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International Centre for
Migration Policy Development

Travel / Meeting Report


Name of Traveller(s)/ BMS, Brussels Mission
Meeting participant(s)

on ICMPD behalf

Location and Date Bundespolizei HO Potsdam, 23 January 2020


Purpose of Travel / Symposium on border management activities in the regions of North Africa and Sahel
Meeting (Internal meeting between central services of Bundespolizei and regional directors)


Persons met / List of participants*





Last name Function Organisation Tel


Head Int’l




Head Int’ Federal Police
Cooperation Bundespolizei
(Referat 42)
Police Advisor | DE Ministry of Foreign
S03 Affairs (S03 Crisis
Prevention and
Stabilisation Dept**)

DE Ministry of Interior





B4 Dept

border police







(*) List of main speakers during JYC presence in the meeting.
(**) Dept atthe German Federal Foreign Office that administers funds supporting IBM Tunisia phases Il and Ill notably.

Also involved in support to Visegräd4 project for Morocco.

Key issues/Highlights/Opportunities/Problems

e Prior to meeting, short discussion with Senior Chief Superintenden ead of International
Cooperation section (Referat 42) at Bundespolizei HQ. He explained context o fthe symposium:

o Very first time they invite external partner to such a meeting that gathers all regional directors of the
Federal Police;

o They considered involving ICMPD due to the very good cooperation they have established with us as
well as the type of achievements we have done with BM counterparts notably in in the region of

o Aimofthe meeting is to sensibilise regional directorates as well as central services to the actual needs
for involving BPOL experts into international activities;

o Strong interest in strengthening long-term support in North Africa, notably Morocco and Tunisia

o Question was raised regarding status of the V4+DE proposal for Morocco. Strong interest in addressing
SAR and maritime surveillance with Moroccan counterparts. To be further explored, especially due to
the ongoing bilateral cooperation between Spain and Morocco (incl. FIIAPP project funded by the EU).

e Joint meeting in the afternoon allowed for attendees to get the following presentations/information:

o Introduction by Mk EEElle (Head International Cooperation — BPOL) about the meeting,
highlighting the objective to explain in details reason behind BPOL’s expertise involvement at
international level, whether they are external operations, Frontex support or projects.

o Floor was then given to the representative of the BA Department of the Federal Ministry of Interior,

ho presented main components of Germany’s security policy and the ongoing

increase in cooperation with international actors, notably with a view to strengthen support to 3"



o German Federal Foreign Office’s representative #. EEE: EEE, police expert seconded for
additional 2 years within the SO3 Dept) presented the work of his Dept, dedicated to Crisis prevention
and Stabilisation. This is the Dept that supports IBM Tunisia phases 2 and 3 for instance. They are also
involved for V4 project on Morocco. Among other things, he evoked the objective to increase support
to the G5 Sahel countries border / internal security agencies, also further strengthened joint
cooperation with France.

© Then came presentation on ICMPD (made by JYC), background and main figures about our
organisation, BM project implemented and being implemented in the regions of interest (evoked also
briefly Jordan and Ghana, where there is growing German involvement). Presentation seemed to have
provoked some interest, especially the fact that we are addressing border management in a
multileveled way (strategic and operational) and through different angles (not only police, but also
customs, etc.). Gave general pictures about regions, and went into more details for both Morocco and
Tunisia, for the sake of showing how cooperation can be constructed and developed. Our efforts to
avoid duplication and support, or at least initiate, coordination among donors / implementing partners
in some countries were quite well appreciated too.
Regarding perspectives, procurement is indeed taking bigger proportion, but we endeavour to
implement such to capacity building activities. Inter-agency border training centres, possible further
support to other CB centres (like Monastir for coast guard,...), opportunities with ideas for projects,
generated from coordination fora, that can be basis for expanding cooperation, possibilities from
programmes such as MPF, etc.
Few questions raised by participants:

"= Regarding origin of expertise, | said we use both in-house and recruited experts from
associated agencies, or independent ones, depending on the needs. What matters is that
“beneficiaries” can benefit from various experiences and expertise and can pick what they
could adapt best in their own system;

"= Interest in getting regular update regarding our programmes; JYC said that already SO3 gets
regular reports from IBM Tunisia. See what kind of documents could be further shared.


e Interest in getting updates / reports about our activities

e Complaints from Frontex about ICMPD very timidiy evoked regarding ICMPD implementing BM projects
outside EU; nothing more. Bundespolizei has no problem at all with us working in this domain though and is
in favour of continuing working with us / at least in coordination with us.

Follow-up actions


Stay in contact with Referat 42 BMS Ongoing
Follow-up on V4+DE proposal nn Malta Asap

Explore additional BM documentation that could be shared with BPOL All Not urgent

Author  4/01/2020
Distribution | LG, MP, BE, JS, TM, ML, RA, EIP, ToM, RG, SB, JaS

This form contains personal data. The data must not be shared outside ICMPD without consent of the data subject or the data
being anonymised.

FR Bundespolizei

Agenda of the

symposium on measures

police development assistance and
cooperation 2020

from 23th to 24th January 2020




FR Bundespolizei Stand 15.01.20

23th January 2020

Arrival at the Federal Police Headquarter


Welcoming to the Federal Police Headquarter, Section 42, Mr. Senior
1:00 - 1:05pm Chief Super Intendent
Introduction of the speakers



1:05 - 1:50pm Security policy orientation of police development assistance by the
" Sp Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department B4, N.N.


2:35 — 2:50pm Break


3:45 — 4:00pm Break

Common dinner (only directorates of the Federal Police + ICMPD) in the

Eon’ 2Dgm restaurant «Augustiner Potsdam», Mittelstraße 18, 14467 Potsdam