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CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre

Die CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) Ihrer Behörde in den letzten zehn Kalenderjahren sowie die zugrundeliegenden Berechnungsmethoden.

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  • Datum
    26. April 2019
  • Frist
    20. Mai 2019
  • 0 Follower:innen
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Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in auf Basis der Verordnungen 104…
An Exekutivagentur für die Forschung Details
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CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre [#134707]
26. April 2019 20:03
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 bitte ich Sie um Übersendung von Dokumenten, die folgende Informationen enthalten:
Die CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) Ihrer Behörde in den letzten zehn Kalenderjahren sowie die zugrundeliegenden Berechnungsmethoden. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Antwort, wenn möglich, in einem maschinenlesbaren Format.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Anfragesteller:in >>
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Dear Mr Antragsteller/in, Thank you for your mail of 26 April, referring to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of th…
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
RE: CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre [#134707]
24. Mai 2019 16:19
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Dear Mr Antragsteller/in, Thank you for your mail of 26 April, referring to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001). Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your message. A technical problem resulted in your message being misidentified as ‘spam’. We acknowledge receipt of your request for documents containing information on the carbon footprint of the Research Executive Agency (REA) during the past ten years and the underlying calculation methods. We would like to seize the opportunity to clarify the nature of your request. It appears that you are requesting access to documents that contain specific information. Please note that Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 applies only to requests for access to existing documents, i.e. “any content whatever its medium (written on paper or stored in electronic form or as a sound, visual or audio-visual recording) concerning a matter relating to the policies, activities and decisions falling within the institution's sphere of responsibility” (Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001). Since your request relates to information which is not contained in existing documents, and replying would involve compiling information from a number of different documents, it should be considered as a request for information to be processed in accordance with the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour. In view of the above and in accordance with the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour, you shall receive a reply from REA within 15 working days (by 19 June). Please note that this reply relates only to information within the remit of the REA. Should you have submitted requests covering also areas falling under the responsibility of other Commission Directorates-General or other Executive agencies, such requests will be treated by the respective services. Kind regards, REA COMMUNICATION <<E-Mail-Adresse>> European Commission Research Executive Agency Unit C.1 Administration http://rea.ec.europa.eu<http://rea.ec.europa.eu/> The Research Executive Agency is issuing regular news alerts, mainly to publicise new funding opportunities and successful examples of EU-funded research. If you are interested in obtaining our latest news, please register by filling in this online form.<http://ec.europa.eu/research/_rea/index.cfm?pg=newsalert_registration> <<E-Mail-Adresse>>

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Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Dear Mr Antragsteller/in, You recently contacted the REA services regarding our Agency’s carbon footprint. T…
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
RE: CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre [#134707]
11. Juni 2019 18:15
Anfrage abgeschlossen
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Dear Mr Antragsteller/in, You recently contacted the REA services regarding our Agency’s carbon footprint. The information that concerns the carbon footprint of the REA and the methodology used to measure it, is to be considered an integral part of the information already provided to you by the EC services in their e-mail Ares(2019)3253518 - CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre [#134726] of 17/05/2019 (attached) even though the REA Executive Agency has not yet formally adopted a policy as provided by Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) The REA occupies the Covent Garden building in Brussels, which is managed and maintained by the European Commission’s (EC) responsible service, the Office of Infrastructure and Building (OIB), subject to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) signed in 2009. This SLA contains an environmental clause (Art.12) which stipulates that “[t]he goods or the services provided by OIB respect the existing environmental norms. The OIB ensures that any third parties acting on its behalf do the same.” While not explicitly mentioning EMAS, this is to guarantee that the building the REA occupies is managed according to the EMAS policy, which has been adopted by the EC and its OIB service and is de facto the existing environmental norm. In addition, the REA takes part in all the EC initiatives and practices in terms of decreasing the carbon footprint related to travel (creation of video conference rooms, encouraging biking to work and use of public transport). We hope that you will find this information useful. Kind regards REA Infrastructure and Logistics <<E-Mail-Adresse>> European Commission Research Executive Agency Unit C.1 Administration http://rea.ec.europa.eu The Research Executive Agency is issuing regular news alerts, mainly to publicise new funding opportunities and successful examples of EU-funded research. If you are interested in obtaining our latest news, please register by filling in this online form<http://ec.europa.eu/research/_rea/index.cfm?pg=newsalert_registration>. <<E-Mail-Adresse>> From: REA INFO <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 4:19 PM To: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Cc: REA INFO <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Subject: RE: CO2-Bilanzen (carbon footprint) der letzten zehn Kalenderjahre [#134707] Dear Mr Antragsteller/in, Thank you for your mail of 26 April, referring to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001). Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your message. A technical problem resulted in your message being misidentified as ‘spam’. We acknowledge receipt of your request for documents containing information on the carbon footprint of the Research Executive Agency (REA) during the past ten years and the underlying calculation methods. We would like to seize the opportunity to clarify the nature of your request. It appears that you are requesting access to documents that contain specific information. Please note that Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 applies only to requests for access to existing documents, i.e. “any content whatever its medium (written on paper or stored in electronic form or as a sound, visual or audio-visual recording) concerning a matter relating to the policies, activities and decisions falling within the institution's sphere of responsibility” (Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001). Since your request relates to information which is not contained in existing documents, and replying would involve compiling information from a number of different documents, it should be considered as a request for information to be processed in accordance with the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour. In view of the above and in accordance with the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour, you shall receive a reply from REA within 15 working days (by 19 June). Please note that this reply relates only to information within the remit of the REA. Should you have submitted requests covering also areas falling under the responsibility of other Commission Directorates-General or other Executive agencies, such requests will be treated by the respective services. Kind regards, REA COMMUNICATION <<E-Mail-Adresse>> European Commission Research Executive Agency Unit C.1 Administration http://rea.ec.europa.eu<http://rea.e… The Research Executive Agency is issuing regular news alerts, mainly to publicise new funding opportunities and successful examples of EU-funded research. If you are interested in obtaining our latest news, please register by filling in this online form.<http://ec.europa.eu/research/_rea/index.cfm?pg=newsalert_registration> <<E-Mail-Adresse>>