Compensation payment for eldercare

Anfrage an: Bundesrechnungshof

My questions are related to eldercare in hungary managed by Hungarian Jewish Agency called MAZS.

How much did MAZS foundation payed to different companies for home care and nursing in 2016 and 2017? (I would like to get yearly data according to service and companies.)

Is it allowed for partner companies of MAZS, by the rules of Claims Conference to involve further sub-contractors to do the home care and nursing?

How does Claims Conference monitor the work of MAZS? What kind of data do MAZS have to submit you? Does Claims Conference receive data about the sub-contractors and the quantity and quality of the work done by the sub-contractors?

Did MAZS involve sub-contractors and/or partner companies in the Slovakian mission? If yes, what companies are they and what kind of work did they do for MAZS?

What is the name of companies, which do the budy guard service for MAZS?

Thank you,

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  • Datum
    29. Juni 2019
  • Frist
    3. August 2019
  • 0 Follower:innen
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Compensation payment for eldercare [#153637]
29. Juni 2019 16:49
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Antrag nach dem IFG/UIG/VIG Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in bitte senden Sie mir Folgendes zu:
My questions are related to eldercare in hungary managed by Hungarian Jewish Agency called MAZS. How much did MAZS foundation payed to different companies for home care and nursing in 2016 and 2017? (I would like to get yearly data according to service and companies.) Is it allowed for partner companies of MAZS, by the rules of Claims Conference to involve further sub-contractors to do the home care and nursing? How does Claims Conference monitor the work of MAZS? What kind of data do MAZS have to submit you? Does Claims Conference receive data about the sub-contractors and the quantity and quality of the work done by the sub-contractors? Did MAZS involve sub-contractors and/or partner companies in the Slovakian mission? If yes, what companies are they and what kind of work did they do for MAZS? What is the name of companies, which do the budy guard service for MAZS? Thank you,
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