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Ref. Ares(2022}4695064 - 27/06/2022


Fifth Steering Committee

20 March 2018, 09.30 — 14.40

Draft minutes

Implemented by ICMPD


icy Development

DG HOME - Chair of the Steering Committee









Ministry of the Interior, CZ

CMEPD / Secretariat of the Steering Committee:
Head of ICMPD Brussels Mission
MPF Project Director

Deputy Head of Brussels Mission, Head of Resources
Management, Brussels


Programme Coordinator Global Initiatives
MPF Programme Manager

Regional Coordinator Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
Prague Process (PP) Coordinator

MPF Project Manager
PP DATA Project Manager
MPF Project Officer

Resources Management Officer

Resources Management Officer

QOutcome of the discussion

Presence and composition of the Steering Committee (SC)

The Chair of the SC took note of the presence of three of its members namely
DG HOME, DG NEAR and DG DEVCO (EEAS was absent). The Czech Republic,
representing the Strategic Group of the Prague Process, was present during
the first agenda point.

Funded by the European Union Implemented by ICMPD


Migration Policy Development

Prague Process (PP) CZ, representing the Strategic Group of the PP (composed of CZ, HU, PL, LT, EU PRES, EC and PP Secretariat), expressed its appreciation for the funding that was secured for the PP, underlining that the Eastern Dimension continues to represent a policy priority for CZ. ICMPD acting as PP Secretariat briefly presented the Process, that has since 2009 mostly been implemented through a series of EU funded projects, as well as national funding of some EU MS. The PP is based on ministerial declarations, of which three have been adopted to date. In 2017 the PP was incorporated into the MPF I and forms now Strand C of the MPF II. The PP will continue its work on policy and expert level dialogues. Moreover, the planned activities focus on the establishment of the PP Training and Analytical Centre (TAC), which is composed of the Migration Observatory East (MOE) and the Training Academy. Participating states will be invited to autonomously continue their work on migration profiles. In addition, the MOE will provide for policy briefs, analytical reports, fact sheets, infographics etc. The PP work plan for 2018 is attached to the minutes. The current funding under the MPF will enable PP to organise activities in the Western Balkans, which was not the case previously. Due to the geographical limitation of the MPF, the continuous implementation of further pilot projects as requested by the Bratislava Ministerial Declaration of 2016 will not be secured for the time being. Such option could eventually be explored under the following phase of the MPF. A discussion evolved around the splitting of PP expenses under the two corresponding strands of the budget, namely the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund for Borders and Visa (ISF Borders and Visa). This should be done depending on the topics of individual activities but also respecting the ratio of 80% AMIF; 20% ISF. MPF I: Fourth Interim Report, Implementation of actions (scenarios A1, B1), Achievements under scenario B2 and lessons learnt ICMPD and DG HOME introductory remarks highlighted the good progress made in the reporting period and during the first phase of the MPF as a whole. ICMPD presented the state of play of MPF implementation focusing on: Grant Management under which 12 actions were granted (3 already concluded), involving authorities from 15 EU MS, 6 MP and 2 CAMM countries. The overall value of the grants was over EUR 3.4 million (92% total funding allocated); their budgets ranged from EUR 70,000 to EUR 555,000 and their duration from 7 to 18.5 months. The thematic focus of the implemented actions was in coherence with EU and national policy frameworks and supported partner countries capacities and political and operational dialogues. The actions were of rather innovative / gap-bridging nature and the main focus was on IBM, managing legal migration, return and document fraud. Continuous outreach and promotion of MPF are continuing in order to absorb limited remaining budget, including targeted meetings with EU MS, partner countries, EU Agencies. Monitoring and evaluation of actions include contractual obligations, monthly field notes, monitoring missions and end of action reports.

Scenario B1 The Action “Fostering capacities and cooperation on IBM among EaP training institutions” aims to strengthen strategic and operational cooperation on IBM between training schools of EU MS and EaP-countries. The action involves eight countries (BG, HU, PL, SK + AM, BY, GE, MD) for the duration of 8 months (Sep 2017 – Apr 2018). The will come to end on 18-19 April 2018 in Brussels. A workshop on police cooperation with MP/CAMM countries is planned in autumn 2018. The discussion stressed on the need take into account activities under EUROMED police, as well as interest of some partner countries to cooperating with Europol on data exchange. The possibility to hold the workshop at Europol premises will be explored. Horizontal activities carried out under Scenario B2 included analysis of the political and operational environment through targeted meetings with EU MS and partner countries representatives. Besides, organization of Local Cooperation Platforms was supported and a proposal of a general modular implementation structure (“architecture”) of MPs tailored to partner countries’ contexts elaborated. An online platform is being developed to rationalise of the current scoreboard methodology. Knowledge management and dissemination of good practices were ensured through regular update on partner countries institutional, legal and policy frameworks and priorities and development of policy responses to fostering cooperation. Lessons were drawn and facts identified to generate possible proposals. Moreover, an evaluation of the Mobility Partnerships between the European Union (EU) and Cabo Verde, Georgia and Moldova” is carried out under the MPF by the Graduate School of Governance of the University of Maastricht. As of 1 July 2017 the PP has been included in the MPF. Outreach, communication and awareness raising were carried out through the implementation of the MPF Communication and Visibility Plan. It tools included dedicated web-sections, MPF newsletter and MPF visual identity and MPF regional workshops, as well as participation to other relevant events. An overview was also given on the attainment of MPF to its main goal and objectives through the implementation of individual actions as well as some findings from the MPF implementation. At facility level the advantages of open nature of the MPF call and relative light procedures were counterweighted by the short timeframe and limited EU MS capacities. The MPF created a solid knowledge basis for a more critical and sense- making review of ongoing activities. The ongoing evaluation exercise represents an opportunity to assess achievements of MPs, reflect on its implementing structures, relevance to EU policy landscape and understand future of this instrument. The inclusion of the PP TP gave good opportunity to increase coherence and complementarities among various instruments as well as to ensure continuity of the political dialogue. At actions level lengthy national administrative procedures impacted on implementation timeframe of some actions. In relation to labour/circular migration, the key influencing factors were the involvement of competent authorities, clear definition of objectives to manage expectations and understanding and application of different legal frameworks. Timely mobilisation and active participation of partner countries’ stakeholders is also a crucial element to address. An impediment to

smooth implementation was the fact that partnership agreements among beneficiaries were not always properly addressed. Changes to contractual features requested during implementation were mostly due to underestimation of some costs/steps. Close monitoring of action proved useful to understand challenges and discuss viable mitigating steps for the actions to recalibrate efforts in order to achieve their expected results. The“B1 scenario” manifested itself as an effective tool to respond to concrete, small- scale requests. The meetings of the Grant Evaluation Committees were instrumental to better understand potential impacts, synergies and complementarities with other actions under different financial instruments. Draft Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2018 The SC took note of the Draft Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2018, asking ICMPD to amend it on the basis of the inputs shared by DG Home, which aimed to clarify the nature and timing of some envisaged activities (such as the MP Conference or the possible second round of MP evaluation). MPF II Draft Communication and Visibility Plan Following the presentation of the Draft Communication and Visibility Plan, the discussion included a remark on the need of consultation with DG HOME communication unit. Besides, a one page document on all granted action should be developed for visibility purposes. The plan could also be presented to the EEAS special taskforce for the south that deals with communication issues, which includes also DG NEAR. The Draft Communication and Visibility Plan is annexed to the draft minutes for adoption. Key strands and components (ICMPD, MPF Team) Within its 5 “C” approach MPF II will aim at the following aspects:  Consolidating the tools and structures that reinforce the implementation of MPs, CAMMs and the PP;  Capitalising on past and present good practices and results when it comes to creating active synergies, shaping up and responding to future prerogatives of the EU, EU MS and partner countries;  Giving continuity to various instruments of EU migration policy (e.g. MPs, CAMMs, the PP);  Forging complementarities with other funding instruments and policy objectives (e.g. pilot projects in the area of legal migration); and  Creating coherence at institutional and policy levels. As for the types of activities, the MPF II will offer EU MS and partner countries a tailor- made and flexible instrument to establish and further advance mutual operational and political cooperation and dialogue on various topics, at technical and political levels, and test out new forms of cooperation in various thematic areas, based on emerging priorities and needs. It will also enable them to expand cooperation networks, including at expert level, through peer-to-peer approaches and deepen their understanding of the institutional realities and migration contexts. Increased visibility of EU MS and partner countries by showcasing practices from both sides and possibility to tap into EU financing in order to meet their cooperation

priorities and build up synergies with other actions funded by the EU and other EU MS will also be the among the benefits of the MPF II. Strand A The rules will not change as compared to the first phase of the MPF, apart from involving non-governmental and private law bodies as co-applicants and increasing the maximum thresholds for actions. The call for proposals under the strand A will be launched at the beginning of April. Focus on Strand D: Pilot projects on legal migration The discussion based on the draft Guidelines for the call for proposal led to the following conclusions.  From the total budget of EUR 3.2 million the sum of EUR 200 000 will be put aside for quick technical assistance or for joint events to foster better understanding of specific needs in partner countries. However, this funding should only be used if no other funding, such a TAIEX or MIEUX, would be available.  DG DEVCO stressed the need to avoid bilateral projects that have limited impact.  DG HOME underlined that the pilot projects need to be backed by the view of a central governmental body of an EU MS to make sure, for instance, that the necessary visa/work permits will be obtained.  The list of target countries will not be included in the Guidelines but a reference will be made to the Concept Note Pilot projects legal migration developed by DG Home, which will be annexed. For this purpose a public version of the document will be drafted by DG HOME.  The call will be restricted to interested EU MS central authorities, with an open deadline. Call documents shall be accessible on the MPF website.  The issue of conditionality related to effective return is already addressed in the Concept note and thus the Guidelines should be generally formulated in this sense and make a reference to the note.  The wording of the section on ineligible activities will be adjusted and will include remuneration of trainees.  The evaluation of proposals will be done in two steps, preceded by an administrative and eligibility check carried out by ICMPD. The first evaluation step, carried out by a committee convoked by DG HOME and composed of members of the SC, will evaluate the relevance of the action. Proposals having passed the necessary threshold will be forwarded to ICMPD, who will convoke a Grant Evaluation Committee as for strand A (including evaluators from ICMPD and the SC). If the threshold is not passed, DG HOME will inform the applicant of the negative decision. Draft Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2018, work on MPs architecture and MPs evaluation The SC took note of the Draft Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2018 and of the information provided on the work on MPs architecture and MPs evaluation, asking ICMPD to amend it on the basis of the inputs shared by DG Home. Draft Rules of Procedures of the GEC and SC Both rules of procedure will be revised based on the discussion on strand D. Conclusions and summary of next steps The SC took note of the progress made under the MPF I and thoroughly discussed the working modalities of MPF II. The following steps will be taken:

 ICMPD will amend both MPF I and MPF II 2018 AWPs in line with the points raised by SC representatives;  ICMPD will revise the draft documentation for both calls for proposals to be published under the MPF II and share them with the SC.  DG HOME will review the Concept Note so that it can be published together with the Call for Proposals under strand D.  Both calls for proposals will be published at the beginning of April.