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Mietspiegel Beirut

- den Mietspiegel für den Dienstort Beirut

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  • Datum
    17. Juli 2022
  • Frist
    5. August 2022
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<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1…
An Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst Details
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Mietspiegel Beirut [#253479]
17. Juli 2022 23:30
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 bitte ich Sie um Übersendung von Dokumenten, die folgende Informationen enthalten:
- den Mietspiegel für den Dienstort Beirut
Ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass ich eine Antwort per E-Mail an diese Adresse und nicht über ein Webportal wünsche. Ich möchte Sie um eine Empfangsbestätigung bitten und danke Ihnen für Ihre Mühe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> Anfragenr: 253479 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: https://fragdenstaat.de/a/253479/ Postanschrift << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> << Adresse entfernt >> << Adresse entfernt >>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Anfragesteller:in >>
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
Request for documents - acknowledgement of receipt - 122 Geachte heer << Antragsteller:in >> , Dit be…
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
Request for documents - acknowledgement of receipt - 122
19. Juli 2022 20:23
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Geachte heer << Antragsteller:in >> , Dit bericht is een ontvangstbevestiging van uw verzoek om toegang tot documenten op grond van Verordening 1049/2001 inzake de toegang van het publiek tot documenten van het Europees Parlement, de Raad en de Commissie (die ook door de EDEO wordt nageleefd). Uw verzoek om toegang tot documenten is geregistreerd onder referentienummer: 2022/122. In alle verdere correspondentie dient u dit nummer te vermelden. Overeenkomstig de verordening zult u uiterlijk binnen 15 werkdagen een antwoord ontvangen: 09/08/2022. Indien deze termijn moet worden verlengd, zult u daarvan te zijner tijd in kennis worden gesteld. Met vriendelijke groet, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (SBR) <<E-Mail-Adresse>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - holding reply - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Your application is c…
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - holding reply - 122
9. August 2022 15:50
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Your application is currently being handled. However, we are not in a position to complete the handling of your application within the time limit of 15 working days. We therefore, exceptionally, need to extend the deadline for reply by an additional 15 working days. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note …
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122
10. August 2022 10:48
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that your request lacked sufficient details that would enable us to identify concrete documents corresponding to your request. We therefore invite you, in accordance with Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to provide us with more precise and detailed information on the documents which you seek to obtain. Can you please clarify what you mean exactly by "(rent?) index for Beirut"? We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above in order to be able to further process your request. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a ki…
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122
16. August 2022 13:49
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: << Antragsteller:in >> Sent: 10 August 2022 10:48 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that your request lacked sufficient details that would enable us to identify concrete documents corresponding to your request. We therefore invite you, in accordance with Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to provide us with more precise and detailed information on the documents which you seek to obtain. Can you please clarify what you mean exactly by "(rent?) index for Beirut"? We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above in order to be able to further process your request. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a ki…
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122
19. August 2022 10:21
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. By rent index for Beirut you are referring to the legal rent indexation? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: << Antragsteller:in >> Sent: 16 August 2022 13:50 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Cc: << Antragsteller:in >> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 10 August 2022 10:48 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that your request lacked sufficient details that would enable us to identify concrete documents corresponding to your request. We therefore invite you, in accordance with Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to provide us with more precise and detailed information on the documents which you seek to obtain. Can you please clarify what you mean exactly by "(rent?) index for Beirut"? We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above in order to be able to further process your request. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, We sent you …
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122
5. September 2022 14:12
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, We sent you below a clarification request and several reminders. This is a new reminder with the kind request to come back to us with an explanation regarding the rent index. If no response will be received by 12 September, we will close the case in our database. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: << Antragsteller:in >> Sent: 19 August 2022 10:21 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Cc: << Antragsteller:in >> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. By rent index for Beirut you are referring to the legal rent indexation? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 16 August 2022 13:50 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Cc: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 10 August 2022 10:48 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that your request lacked sufficient details that would enable us to identify concrete documents corresponding to your request. We therefore invite you, in accordance with Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to provide us with more precise and detailed information on the documents which you seek to obtain. Can you please clarify what you mean exactly by "(rent?) index for Beirut"? We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above in order to be able to further process your request. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs

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Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - 122
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that as we received no re…
Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst
RE: Request for documents - 122
16. September 2022 09:25
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that as we received no response the case was closed in our database. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: << Antragsteller:in >> Sent: 05 September 2022 14:12 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<Name und E-Mail-Adresse>> Cc: << Antragsteller:in >> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, We sent you below a clarification request and several reminders. This is a new reminder with the kind request to come back to us with an explanation regarding the rent index. If no response will be received by 12 September, we will close the case in our database. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 19 August 2022 10:21 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Cc: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. By rent index for Beirut you are referring to the legal rent indexation? Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 16 August 2022 13:50 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Cc: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, This is a kind reminder for the below clarification request. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs From: EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 10 August 2022 10:48 To: << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> [#253479] <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: RE: Request for documents - clarification request - 122 Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please note that your request lacked sufficient details that would enable us to identify concrete documents corresponding to your request. We therefore invite you, in accordance with Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to provide us with more precise and detailed information on the documents which you seek to obtain. Can you please clarify what you mean exactly by "(rent?) index for Beirut"? We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above in order to be able to further process your request. Thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (AD) <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> SG.2 – Parliamentary Affairs