One student is Profiled and Bullied by the teachers

I go to the school and the teachers have explicitly told me no matter what i do i can and will not be given the possibility to improve and get an E-Kurs. One teacher told my best friend i am a bad influence and she should get away from me. On class trips they go through all of our clothes and give us no respect or privacy. They take our phones away for multiple days with no means of contact to our parents. They have whatsapp numbers from students which they use to contact the students with which is illegal. They are not neutral and constantly tell me how bad my country is and i should not be proud to come from there and they constantly throw leftist media down our throat. The students who try and improve are told not to as they will never get anywhere but the students who dont try and just be a teachers pet get upgraded to the E-Kurs. They have no ground to improve somebody to the E-Kurs and it os only done from the teachers opinion which is clearly wrong. I have been getting better marks than my friends and help them out with their english although they are in the E-Kurs but my teacher still denies my chance of getting improved because she does not like me and has told me that to my face. I will never upgrade you to the E-Kurs no matter what even though i am better than the majority in the E-Kurs. I would love an explanation firstly on what explicitly i would need to do to get an upgrade to the E-Kurs as the teacher says i am unable to no matter what and also i would like to know what will happen to my friend who is worse then me in english but is in the E-Kurs as this makes no sense. I would love for an answer to what will happen to the school and teachers after i have exposed the lies and illegal things they do.

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  • Datum
    1. April 2023
  • Frist
    5. Mai 2023
  • 0 Follower:innen
Graham LEE
Antrag nach dem HDSIG/HUIG/VIG Guten Tag, bitte senden Sie mir Folgendes zu: I go to the school and the teache…
An Carlo-Mierendorff-Schule (Frankfurt am Main) Details
Graham LEE
One student is Profiled and Bullied by the teachers [#274534]
1. April 2023 13:02
Carlo-Mierendorff-Schule (Frankfurt am Main)
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Antrag nach dem HDSIG/HUIG/VIG Guten Tag, bitte senden Sie mir Folgendes zu:
I go to the school and the teachers have explicitly told me no matter what i do i can and will not be given the possibility to improve and get an E-Kurs. One teacher told my best friend i am a bad influence and she should get away from me. On class trips they go through all of our clothes and give us no respect or privacy. They take our phones away for multiple days with no means of contact to our parents. They have whatsapp numbers from students which they use to contact the students with which is illegal. They are not neutral and constantly tell me how bad my country is and i should not be proud to come from there and they constantly throw leftist media down our throat. The students who try and improve are told not to as they will never get anywhere but the students who dont try and just be a teachers pet get upgraded to the E-Kurs. They have no ground to improve somebody to the E-Kurs and it os only done from the teachers opinion which is clearly wrong. I have been getting better marks than my friends and help them out with their english although they are in the E-Kurs but my teacher still denies my chance of getting improved because she does not like me and has told me that to my face. I will never upgrade you to the E-Kurs no matter what even though i am better than the majority in the E-Kurs. I would love an explanation firstly on what explicitly i would need to do to get an upgrade to the E-Kurs as the teacher says i am unable to no matter what and also i would like to know what will happen to my friend who is worse then me in english but is in the E-Kurs as this makes no sense. I would love for an answer to what will happen to the school and teachers after i have exposed the lies and illegal things they do.
Dies ist ein Antrag auf Aktenauskunft nach § 80 des Hessischen Datenschutz- und Informationsfreiheitsgesetzes (HDSIG) § 3 Abs. 1 des Hessischen Umweltinformationsgesetzes (HUIG), soweit Umweltinformationen im Sinne des § 2 Abs. 3 Umweltinformationsgesetzes des Bundes (UIG) betroffen sind, sowie nach § 2 Abs. 1 des Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der gesundheitsbezogenen Verbraucherinformation (VIG), soweit Verbraucherinformationen betroffen sind. Sollten diese Gesetze nicht einschlägig sein, bitte ich Sie, die Anfrage als Bürgeranfrage zu behandeln. Sollte die Aktenauskunft Ihres Erachtens gebührenpflichtig sein, bitte ich, mir dies vorab mitzuteilen und dabei die Höhe der Kosten anzugeben. Es handelt sich meines Erachtens um eine einfache Auskunft bei geringfügigem Aufwand. Gebühren fallen somit nicht an. Ich verweise auf § 85 HDSIG/§ 3 Abs. 3 Satz 2 Nr. 1 HUIG/§ 5 Abs. 2 VIG und bitte, mir die erbetenen Informationen unverzüglich, spätestens nach Ablauf eines Monats zugänglich zu machen. Ich bitte Sie um eine Antwort per E-Mail. Sollten Sie für diesen Antrag nicht zuständig sein, bitte ich Sie, ihn an die zuständige Behörde weiterzuleiten und mich darüber zu unterrichten. Ich widerspreche ausdrücklich der Weitergabe meiner Daten an Dritte. Ich möchte Sie um eine Empfangsbestätigung bitten und danke Ihnen für Ihre Mühe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Graham LEE Anfragenr: 274534 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: Postanschrift Graham LEE << Adresse entfernt >>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Graham LEE

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