
Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Transparency unit staffing and budget

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Ref. Ares(2019)3330580 - 21/05/2019 Register of applications for access to BEREC documents (2016) Receipt of the Receipt of the                 Complaint to the confirmatory                                                                                            Decision taken (full initial                     Ombudsman/ECJ No.                application, if                                 Document name/wording of the request                    disclosure, partial                                    Reason(s) for refusal, if applicable application                   court proceeding, applicable                                                                                             disclosure, refusal) (date)                        if applicable (date) Art. 4.1(b) Regulation 1049/2001 in conjunction with Art. 8(b) Regulation 45/2001. (Ar. 4.3 para. 2 Regulation 1049/2001). Documents contain opinions for internal use as part of deliberations Any documents, notes, emails, memorandums or other and preliminary consultations within BEREC. Disclosure of these documents would undermine 1   18.07.2016     31.08.2016                       information in relation to the wording of Paragraph 75 of BoR(16)           Refusal BEREC's decision-making process. Documents contain personal data in relation to which the 94 applicant failed to provide express and legitimate justification or any convincing argument in order to demonstrate the necessity for those personal data to be transferred. Documents corresponding to audio recordings do not exist. For existing documents (Ar. 4.3 para. 1. Names of all members of the NN EWG; 2. Names (names or 2 Regulation 1049/2001) disclosure of the document would seriously undermine decision-making organistations/NRAs they represent) of the "40 experts" involved in process - documents are expressing preliminary views, disclosure could have negative effect on the drafting team; 3. Any notes, minutes, agendas, the work carried out by BEREC. Applicant failed to provide evidence of existence of an overriding 2   17.08.2016     07.10.2016                       documents/drafts, emails and other such discussions or                      Refusal public interest in disclosure of the existing documents. Furthermore, the requested documents communications in relation to the "13 drafting meetings held since contain personal data (Art. 4.1(b) Regulation 1049/2001 in conjuntion with Art. 8(b) Regulation September 2015"; 4. Any audio recordings on any conference calls 45/2001), justification or any convincing argument to demonstrate the necessity for those or drafting meetings as per point 3. personal data to be transferred were not provided. BoR(16) 45 or any ofther BEREC documents on the regulation of                              Documents are part of an ongoing decisional process and their disclosure would affect the quality 3   02.11.2016                                                                                                                  Refusal voice termination for calls originating outside the EEA.                                   and independence of BEREC's decision-making process (Art. 4.3 para. 1 Regulation 1049/2001) BoR(16) 164 Overview of the regulatory treatments of termination Document is part of an ongoing decisional process and its disclosure would affect the quality and 4   15.11.2016                                      rates for voice calls originated outside the EEA and their impacts on       Refusal independence of BEREC's decision-making process (Art. 4.3 para. 1 Regulation 1049/2001) cross-border traffic and settlements BoR(16) 164 Overview of the regulatory treatments of termination Document is part of an ongoing decisional process and its disclosure would affect the quality and 5   25.11.2016                                      rates for voice calls originated outside the EEA and their impacts on       Refusal independence of BEREC's decision-making process (Art. 4.3 para. 1 Regulation 1049/2001) cross-border traffic and settlements Document is part of an ongoing decisional process and its disclosure would affect the quality and 6   30.11.2016                                      BoR(15) 77 Indicators on Bundles                                            Refusal independence of BEREC's decision-making process (Art. 4.3 para. 1 Regulation 1049/2001)