
Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Vertrag mit Google Ireland Limited zur Nutzung von Geodaten

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Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsle Licence no gäHEng
Richard-Strauss-Alleo 11 RR
60598 Frankfurt am Main

Licence Agreement on the Use of
Spatlal Base Data and Spatial Thematic Data
as well as Geo-Services of the
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
(Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy)

(„the Agreement‘)

betwaen the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by
the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
Richard-Strauss Str. 11

60589 Frankfurt/Maln


(hereinafter called Licensor)


Google Ireland Limited
Gordon Hause
Barrow Stroet

Dublin 4


(hereinafler called Licensee).

1. Subject mattar of Agreement

Subject matter of Ihis Agreement Is

a) Ihe provision of geodala (hereinafter; data) and geo services (hereinafler: services) of Ihe Licen-
sor In accordance wilh Ihe enclosure data / sorvicos.

b) the granling ol Ihe rights as described in clause 4 below.

2. Definitions



2.2. "Eifoctivo Date” means the date Identified In clause 7.1 below.
2.3. "Fees” means Ihe amounis set oul In dause 6.1 below.

page 106

2.4. "Googlo Products and/or Services” means


2.5. "Google Works” means;


2.6. "Group Company” maans in retalion io sach of Ihe parties any affılisted company 10 Ihe respective parly
in the meaning of sec. 15 saqq. of Ihe German Stock Companies Acı.

2.7. “Intellectual Property Rights” means all copyright, patent rights, trade marks, design right, utility patent,
somi-conductor rights, rights In or raloling to databases, rights in or relating to compuler programs (sofl-
ware), rights In or relating to confidentiul information, know how and/or company and business secrets,
sights In or relaling to domaln names, and any other Intellectual properly rights (registered or unregis-
tered, existing or emerging) Ihroughoul the world, including expectant righls and rights In or relaling to
applications and/or imminen! regisiralions.

2.8. "Licensed Content” means: all content listed in the enclosure data / sorvices, as provided to Licensae
by Licensaor.

3. Rights and obligations of the Licensor

3.1. All righis (in parlicular copyrights and related rights) to Ihe Licensed Content will remain wilh Ihe Licensor
and the Laender, respeclively. Moreover, the dala and services are subject to the provisions of the laws
on surveying and cadastre of the different Laender ("States of the Federal Republic of Germany”). The Li-
censor has Ihe righis to provide Ihe Licensed Content in accordance wilh Ihe terms of this Agreement and
to grani Ihe license rights conlalned !herein. The Licensor indemnifies Iho Licensee from any possible
damage clalms made by third parties concerning the rights to the Licensed Content.

3.2. The Licensor makes the Licansed Content for the first lime avallable to Ihe lLicansee 10 warkdays after
the Effeclive Date at Ihe latesi, namely by way of Ihe delivery melhad agreed between Ihe parlies in Iha
enclosure data / services.

3.3. The Licensed Content will materlally compiy with the specificalions set out in Ihe enclosuro
data / services and will bo of the same quality as Ihe dala provided by Licensor lo Licenseo for evalua-
tion and as other data generaliy made available by Licensor to othar Licansees.

3.4. The Licensor Informs the Licensee immediately of any delay in delivery, lalluro of the services used by
the Licensee or in case defective data qualily has become evident. Further, Ihe Licensor Informs Ihe L.i-
censee in due imo about any planned modifications of Ihe data contents, formats or services affecting
this Agreement.



4. Rights and obllgations of the Licensee

4.1. Licensor aranls to Licensee :

4.2. Licensee will not


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The Liconsee commils himself to comply with Ihe enclosure AGNB, insofar as this Agreement conlains

no other provisions. In case of a conllicl_be and the AGNB Ihe provisions of this
Agreemeni shall prevail.
Any kind of use exceeding the contents

of Ihis Agresment and the AGNB requires the prior wrillen consent of Ihe Licensor, unless such use is
purmitted by law.

Common obligations




The partners of Ihis Agreement cooperale lrustlully.

The partners to Ihis Agreement commit Inemsolvas to treal any informalion made accessible and become
known within Ihe scope of this Agreamenti ("Contidential Information“) as strictiy confidenlial, and to use
such Confidential Information exclusively for the purposes as specified by Ihe Agreement as well as not to
make it available, neilher fully nor in parl, directly or indirecliy, to ihird parlies ({!Nird parties in the sense of
the present ragulalion are not employoss ol Ihe partners to Ihe Agreement, public institulions that Licen-
sor has an obligalion lo discloso Ihe Confideniial Information lo and Group Companios, provided Ihal
these need lo know Ihe Confideniial Information and are obliged Io koep It conlidential).


Financlal regulations

Provision and use of ihe Licensed Content by Licensor are offered ugainst payment ol a Fee. The lolal
Fees payable by Licensce foı Ihe Licensed Conient as well as any Updates can be seen in the Fees table
ofiha onclosure data / sorvices.

Licensor shall involce Google for Ihe Fees in accordance wilh Iha limelable in Ihe Fees table of Ihe on-
closure data / sorvicos. Google shall pay correct Invoices wilhin 30 days of receiving Inem.

. . ’ ..

The Fess shall include


Duration, tormination

The Agreement will enter into force wilh the last of the parlies' signalures below. .


The Agraamenti can be terminated for good cause in writing and wilhout prior nolice. A substantial reason
is given In particular if (he respeclive oler parlner in contract Inlringes an essential obligation undor Ihe








contract and does not fullil his obligations within 60 days after receiving two wrilten requests. In Ihe case
ol general inability to pay or insolvency proceedings iniliated against Ihe Licensee no such wrillen request
is necessary.

After expiry or lerminalion of Ihe Agreement


Existing dulies to pay are nol affected by Ihe terminalion of Ihe Agreement.


Nothina In this Anreemeni excludes or limits eilher party’s llability for:

Contact persons

The following contact persons are nominaled by Ihe Licensor:
- Contractual mallers: Name: Retzek, Reiner

Phone: +4969 8333 349


Address: Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, 60958 Frankfurt am Main
- Technical malters: Name: Endrullis, Dr. Manfred

Phone: +49 341 5634 369


Addıess: Karl-Rothe-Straße 10-14, 04105 Leipzig

The Licensee nominates for
- Contraclual malters:


— Technical matters:



10. Final provisions

Any changes and supplements to this Agreement have Io be in wriling. There are no oral subsidiary

If any provision or provisions of ihis Agreement shall be held to be invalid the validity of Iho romaining
provisions shall not in any way bo affected ihareby. Any provisions of no legal force have to be replaced
by legal ones corresponding as closaly as possible to Ihe result intended.

Neither party may assign any of ils rights or obligallons under this Agresment without Ihe prior written



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The parties will sign an English language version of ihe Agreement but agree to atlach as Enclosure
Translation a binding German translalion ol {he Agreement.

Venue for ali legal action arlsing from this Agreement shall be Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The law of
the Federal Republic of Gormany shall bo applied.

11.  Enclosures

The following enclosures constilute an integral part of this Agreement:
Enclosure Data / Services .

Enclosure General Terms of Business and Use (AGNB)
Enclosure Translation

12.  Signatures

Frankfurt am Maln, wu
Place, Dato
Bundesamt für Kartoeranhie ung Scodir.
By order of...

Hhnd-Strimas Alan 33 1 ch dans: j

GO398 Frenkfent un hin

By order of


