New Information on Cold War CIA Stay-Behind Operations in Germany and on the Adolf Eichmann Case

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,/ (li6 -A-Mfr~ NAMF. DAtF. IT 2. ~ J 11 1s .Jr 1""-JOTl1 D/FI~ file Cl. UJI!l'Z ... 17_1 ..nt tt -;?e-7/tt= .J - 'il/6( c_ -~ -=il.606 1 4121)vho will ..------_ ll&Te 1'11e e11uol1- _ ed ad tlf•~-·.J•~•li ~(' .. ( .· EE/JIG. 31 Jla.1 56 . £--{,,. :::>- Horst Otto Herbert '+MS PLACE Of BIRTH : 4 June DATE Of i::MJ'LOYMli:NT WITH CIA : - \/ 1924 - Oggersheim • Ludwigsbaven/Rhein October 1951 TYPE OF OPE!·AlION & SUBJECT'S. ACTIVITY : Staybehind project -- Su,bject useci as operator of clandestine radicr in Staybehind unit DATE TEfll.-:INATED ,, CIRCUM.)TANCES : Terminated June l952 for the following 1, 2. 3, ALIAS Immature and a persone l i ! y not suited to clandestine activities, Original control of subject and his operetl:ina:).. activities are not considere_d to have been secure in that Subject learned too may true identities of his fellow W/T students~ Because of the sensitive. nature of the staybehind p:i-ogra.rn. and the above reasons·, Subject 1 a evacuation from Germany would be-to accomplished at the outbreak of hostilities. INCUIDING DATES & CIRCUMSTANCES llNDE' WHICH usu;): Hans SCHAEFFER - used while a member of the staybehind- unit - he was issued a Kei;nkart and driver's license in this name by TAri •. 'CX'';'/•c,. ,,, :ii). ~:_ - . 'cc;·:·.-:tir·- - - - ; c

--ROUTING AND R[CORD $H!!T a,..._. ......... i. 1111 "fO"' ..._., ...... _.....-. .. _........will ... aw.NI LI tU.'"lO"' .,._, 111.w• ........................................................ . . . . . . . . . . .J ........... ...... zmnu~ ~ lMl~_.~ ..... *"'."'fll:i!k ..................... _.a:ou~ DCICU'-INT NUJllllll .. HHA•H9" COMMENTS• I. -- llOflt II a.,,.; • ~:,... __, *- a. 11o =~::.:=x,~~j,~-~ f-!1''"""'4'11"+-'--'r'--=-=~--+---1"=--.11.-.l ......... - · ~ flJo - ~-----+~-+----+----<>-----t:=>-e<-~ ~~Q\& -~~ 1. ,., - - II.- ... _,, ~,~\.t!~!."' ,....,. 1~1 [] ·LJ.·

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SECRET llllA-321.34 ' . 191!iii'ilh PAGi: 3. Jo ms :\~~.,illOlllcl lik• to haft t.- .. all 1111 Jm.... &bCllt tll9H people tar cOllP&l'i•on Id.ti! llllat IM ha•• lone. ot tb9 aban, llOl' thlir a1soo1at.a, are 1lllt'ldJ!& 10.. .lll'SWIIU. In tact, RAJ>l!JWlHll haa pultllol¥ lllda 1tata.nt. Uiat. he c.ould ~ voric tar un;.zn. · 6. Vo u - Keadquart.aro hH a scod. dalll ot intonaUon DOt. 1ft11&1Wo to ua here, *1' w hn• tUl1 tra9QI "'! thlt•,• ·peop!a, ci~m touu11p to · . UPMIPT "" 'lblre 1• no intonat.l.Oll ill t.hli lfWiiOh llU4 tilN wllla.b cl14 ·not oric1nate·'. ....... v. note that ... ukilcl tor Woiw.Um. • Yaii.tllllll ia AuPat im (Jm.lo.2,..., :rf. A!IC 1'5?). J ·[ ] ........ -!::!':"~----· .,__ .. ~-=.....:.---· .. SECRET ' .. •• • J~I·. 1-1. 1..J· -kJ L_/ ·-1 .·. r~I 1~1 -1 1-:-1 I /_I ·-

DECUSSIFIED AHD RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIBENCE AGENCY SOURCES MET HOOS EXEMPT I ONJBZB NAZI WAR CRIMESDISCLOSUREACT DATE 2000 ZOOS CLASSIFIED MESSAGE I IG• .m, SJ:CllBT " . DATE•' TO • m·c~··'."•I FROM• DIRECTOR IJC:.:.::i~ CONF1 per .!JOI 70 INFO 2. c/Nf. 3, I TO S/C 2 ·. INFO ..... (11f52. t1l'l!lLt 01652; lllllI .am c1'· .i.3BOS> • IW' l. ~- SAMt ClVll:M'll 2. LI1S IlllWCi.. 3. As m.uvzs El.VI: XIC:l!MAlilUWllJllln'DIG. TO CITE DIR EE1tB nxr ICU AJllfia ~ ~. JlllflJI JllSnAL......,,., {,()() P.AGBS lio TI Lin ~ .&U.OVll lllBAm JS. TBII'. SU 1'1:t r::a:Pr Lin 1IAB lllll' .IDVllSD ISAll:L, .AWJBll!Lr DOl:a Slf !ftllm '!O. mrriBs ~ BAB. BED llAD. am aia:oa Ja'l'IOlr aF aumu llBI:Cl!·r..m:. ~'.AT. aJl .. , . . j ' .·. ·.;._,._:...- •.. · ... :, . . _.J J~, _. JlllIXS8 '.tlPllILL'; CAll CCIII UP v:m: CtUllt::JJkl 11KmD rma:E '. -·-···-· ..... ··~·. c/s CCMMENT: . . c· J •REQUESTED HOS SUGG£ ST IONS RE ru;HHER HANDLING "~'"' ~~'"' oc'"' '~""rn. [ J 11trA.1,wo\o~r1c11 · COOIDIM4flMO j . O"ICllS l,y I. ) 1 5 B C I I T wI TH 71S/G/Cl UPHILL RE \ - - AUTHINTIC:ATIHo c,,1c11('. .. REP ODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. .. . . eo,,Y tlO,: