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MARISA… …delivers a toolkit providing a suite of services:  to correlate and fuse heterogeneous and homogeneous data from different sources  to improve information exchange, situational awareness, decision-making and reaction capabilities …supports the cooperation among different Member States and User communities:  providing networking and infrastructural services  adopting the CISE data model as the basis for the definition of the MARISA data model 25/06/2020                                        Grant Agreement N. 740698                                             5

Approach and methodology • Strong Involvement of the User Community • Compliance with European Maritime Security Strategy and CISE Data Model • Attention to reuse capabilities and results coming from other European programs • Protection of Data Fusion Products based on the “need-to-share” approach • Validation of MARISA in specific operational trials • Two Phase Approach 25/06/2020                                 Grant Agreement N. 740698 6

Master Plan MS1 - KO  MS2     MS3                    MS4        MS5     MS6     MS7 May ‘17  Oct ‘17 Mar ‘18               Sep ‘18     Mar ‘19 Sep ‘19 Feb ‘20 WP1, Project Management WP2, User Requirements WP3, Toolkit Design WP4, WP5, Development WP6, Integration and Validation WP7, Operations Trials WP8, Dissemination and Exploitation 25/06/2020                           Grant Agreement N. 740698                  7

User Community • UC1 at LAUREA premises, Helsinki, on    27 th and  28  th June 2017 • Value Proposition Canvas with Customer Jobs, Pains, Gains • Products and services, Pain relievers, Gain creators • UC2 at GMV premises, Madrid, on     16 th and  17 th January 2018 • MARISA Services definition • MARISA Trials definition & exercises during these trials • UC3 at PN premises, Lisbon, on  17 th and  18 th December 2018 • Review of the First Phase Operation Trials results • Gather additional feedbacks from the end-users in order to prepare the Phase 2 Brainstorming workshop based on User-centered design methodology User Community Meeting – Helsinki – June 2017 25/06/2020                                          Grant Agreement N. 740698                                                      8

User Requirements Definition Brainstorming workshop based on User-centered design methodology User Community Meeting – Helsinki – June 2017 25/06/2020                                                   Grant Agreement N. 740698 9

MARISA Conceptual View Data Fusion Services •  Level 1 - Observation of elements in the environment •  Level 2 - Comprehension of the current situation •  Level 3 – Projection of Future States Common Services •  Infrastructure Services •  Human Computer Interface •  Data Distribution Services •  Access Control Services 25/06/2020                                         Grant Agreement N. 740698 10

Overview of Level 1 Services: “Observation of elements in the environment” • Multi Sensor Track Fusion (GMV): Fusion of track data coming from a variety of sensors (AIS Receivers and Radars) and Legacy Systems • AIS Verification (Plath): Verification of the AIS reported positions against measurements provided by a radio locating system • Satellite Vessel Detection (e-GEOS): Target detection by processing SAR and VHR optical imagery and ship parameters estimation • Density Maps (CMRE): Density of vessel traffic in a given geographical area extracted from AIS historic data • Heat Maps (e-GEOS): Heat Maps showing traffic patterns extracted from satellite VHR and SAR images • OSINT Integration (e-GEOS): Extraction and integration of maritime security and safety events from open sources platform (Global Database of Events - GDELT) • COP Fusion (AST): Fusion of surveillance pictures produced in different operational environment to generate a common operational picture without redundant objects/tracks 25/06/2020                               Grant Agreement N. 740698                                 11

Overview of Level 1 Services “Observation of elements in the environment” (Cont'd) • Twitter Services (IOSB): Analysis of tweets for language and classification algorithms to assess the risk and relevance of the tweet in the intended context domain. • Ship Routes (CMRE): Traffic patterns that are automatically learned from AIS data and suitably synthesized in a compact representation (routes, waypoint areas, navigational legs, stationary areas, ports, …etc.) • Risk Maps (NLCG): Production of risk maps for collisions, penetration in dangerous/forbidden areas analyzing historical incident, weather and sea data by using different machine learning techniques and support to SaR operations • Object Data Correlation (ENG): Analysis and correlation of all information relevant to the observed object such as track data, anomalies, incidents, risks, …etc. 25/06/2020                            Grant Agreement N. 740698                                   12

Overview of Level 2 Services: "Analysis and comprehension of the current situation" • Behaviour Analysis and Anomaly Detection: A set of services to detect anomalies and abnormal behaviour. Different technical approaches are used:  Rule based: built on end user's field experience  Dynamic Bayesian Networks (IOSB/CMRE): use of probabilistic models of the vessel traffic parameters and their situational dependencies for vessel behaviours analysis and ship-to-ship interactions  Geospatial Complex Event Processing (STW): Combines geospatial data analysis to infer events or patterns, to identify and analyze motion patterns of vessels that indicate an ongoing situation that needs attention  AI & Machine Learning (INOV): use of AI techniques and Data Mining to better detect patterns and "weak signals" patterns for analysis and prediction of abnormal tracks, movements or collective vessel behaviors. 25/06/2020                           Grant Agreement N. 740698                                    13

Overview of Level 2 Services "Analysis and comprehension of the current situation” (Cont'd) • Sea Environment Awareness (UniBO): production of detailed daily/hourly forecasts on surface currents, sea temperature, significant wave height and direction. Forecasts of field extreme conditions for users in selected areas of interest • Satellite Behaviour Analysis (e-GEOS): vessel anomalies detected by processing and analyzing satellite VHR and SAR images • Business Intelligence Reports (ENG): A set of analysis and reports based on managed data in support to operational assessment and decision making • Vessel Route Extraction (IW): regular route extraction from AIS tracks and other spatiotemporal observations, allowing operators to identify recurrent behavior in vessels and the extent to which maritime traffic belongs to a given route. 25/06/2020                             Grant Agreement N. 740698                                 14

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