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HOW WE CHANGE THE WAY YOÜRBÜSINESSWORKS WHY US TECHNOLOGY                LARGE SCALE INNOVATIDN              STRDNG EXECUTION LEAOERSHIP                      EXPERTISE                      TRACKRECORO EXPERIENCED                                                   fIJ;P ^»—*-* ^£7~ Go Cile amazonxicm                   HARVAKO                 eSsia&ad EXECUTiVE TEAM                                                                 e t.tot-^-tirT.


CONTENTS Augustus tntetligence, Inc. 715 E23rd St,3rd Floor #1527 i-1 (317) 934-7070 NewyorfcNY.'fOQIQ

OVERVIEW When we toak at current an-ificial inteiligenre business applicatiom ucross sectars onct industries, the tip af the iceberg hasjust been discovereö; We ure only at tlie. begipning af the IT revolution. Emerging lechnologies will fundamentally restructure thepower baiance of o'ür alobol ecDnomy, unloclting tremendous yälue intheprocess, llis a potentiully infinite morket with Infinfte demand. IT Is In this market where.we positian our business activjty. It is sad out true; There exists. no purely neutrol, protected and independent A! business solution on the morket right now.'Al fnfFostrunure fs own.ed by blg technalogy conglomerates. Their business focus |s to Increase the revenue af thelr core business wfth your dota, not necessarliy ta iielp you as a S£Bcustomer (o'apfim'ize your buslness. WE DENOCRATIZE ÄIAND                                                     JT TO YOU SO YOÜCAN CONPANrS AjEMPIRE. THE PROBLEM lt is a tanfllct of interest for any campany in the world to use the services of the hig tech conglomerates. In 2017, the US produced $18.6 •trjltlon in GDP,. Of that. the blg t'ecM companies, G.aogle. Microsaft, Amazon, IBM and Oracle, who provlde claud seryices to-58°/a Df ttie world market, comprise ftiefely 1.5% af (he US GDP. Anather 40% of fhe wortd market tar vveb service is held by China's Aliboba Group. Tne drivers o( national and iniefnatjonat economies are e.ttremely dependent an t.he cloud servlces of these big (ech companies,                                                  • All seciors, especially essential industries, need neutral and in'dependent provlders for Al, wd and cloud servlces, The big tech.companies own.the playing fjeld, which Inctudesyour data ond infrastructure. ^•f(;!>*S^..I? 'V-'.'f' W:fi::; '(; i'u': /U;S

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NEXT WAVE OF TRtLUON DOLLAR COMPANIES WILL BE Al COMPANIES •Al'" Al' ISvs.w.K ; r. -; 5 W9 ä' s •-Ä.t PSRTABtECOMP,       IHTERNET   MOBtUPHONE      oia.BusiNBSHoaELs sMAinnioNE/Afpe isn             vsas        1931               zooos            ;oo? OUR TEAM ss»                      ^^         —                       HARVARU <Mvf*rn |lj5r s StAiifoni tlstnTftHv •f,i!r,''W W HB:!rt. »i ?;' Wtl

CUSTOMER AND PARTNERSHIP DEAL PIPEUNE r<i?.'e i'., 3 SHÜDSilüfßfcu'feni.      arid üOttntiut iiiciegic ow'<-"'e'"^lw f"'o i'ds;oii]i?r>; ;!ll',l";l»S .<if iifiiKi; r,. !B '•••\l

Augustus Intells'gence Inc.

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