Freedom of Information
in Bund

Ask Public Bodies for administrative information — it's your right.

Which Public Bodies?

All bodies that work on administrative tasks of this jurisdiction.

What Information?

Contracts, memos, reports and other documents of the administration: you have the right to know.

What right?

The freedom of information law in Bund allows you access to administrative information.

Facts about FragDenStaat

Information laws in Bund

Art. 5 Grundgesetz came into effect on May 23, 1949 - get to know this law...

Informationsfreiheitsgesetz Bund (IFG) came into effect on Jan. 1, 2006 - get to know this law...

Verbraucherinformationsgesetz (VIG) came into effect on May 1, 2008 - get to know this law...

Umweltinformationsgesetz Bund (UIG) came into effect on July 16, 1994 - get to know this law...

Bundesarchivgesetz (BArch) - get to know this law...

Requests in Bund