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Subject:                          Email 3 From: Sent: 20 November 2020 13:12 To: Executive Director Subject: [EXTERNAL] Auditee Satisfaction Survey (European Commission - Internal Audit Service) [EXTERNAL EMAIL] CAUTION: Email originated from outside of Frontex. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize and trust the sender. Re: *** IAS.A2-2019-FRONTEX-001 - HR Planning, Allocation & Recruitment - IAS Auditee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire *** Dear Madam/Sir, Following the completion of the audit and approval of the action plan, we would like to kindly invite you to provide us with your feedback and participate in a short satisfaction survey. The results will help the IAS to monitor and improve its audit process and will be filed with the other working papers of this audit. If you prefer to send your feedback anonymously, you can do so by ticking the box "Send as anonymous" in the top right corner of the survey page. We would appreciate it if you could fill in the survey within two weeks from receiving this notification. Thank you for your kind co-operation, Internal Audit Service, European Commission Link to the survey: { Auditee Satisfaction Survey } If you have any technical questions or problems with the survey application please contact 1