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The European Union has a fundamental interest in co-operating with
partners worldwide, in particular in and with Asia, to safeguard citizens,
defend fundamental human values, uphold the international rules-based
system, promote multilateralism, contribute to regional stability, prevent
violent conflicts and secure economic growth.

In line with the steps taken in the past years to strengthen its role
as a global security provider, the EU has launched an initiative
to complement existing dialogues with tailor-made, concrete and
operational cooperation with partners in Asia, to address
shared security challenges, both in the region and elsewhere.

am Peer-to-peer cooperation and development of networks

Supporting the organisation of joint port calls with EU
Member State and CSDP operations

mem Enhancing awareness about CSDP missions

— Supporting participation in exercises with
EU agencies and Member State structures

mem Track 1.5 and Track 2.0 policy dialogues
mem Tailor-made training and sharing lessons learned

zz lultilateral cooperation with regional actors

With an initial emphasis on five countries — India, Indonesia,
Japan, Republic of Korea and Vietnam — the focus will be on
security-related efforts in four thematic areas:

Prevention of Violent Extremism

& Crisis Management (CSDP/Peacekeeping)
@ Cyber Security

& Maritime Security




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The initiative will focus initially on five countries: India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea and Vietnam. In line with the mandate given by the EU’s Foreign Ministers, the EU aims to enhance peer-to-peer cooperation in four thematic areas that reflect shared interests and priorities: counter terrorism and prevention of violent extremism; cyber security; maritime security; crisis management. The EU is committed to a more tailor-made, concrete and operational security engagement with partner countries. Practical cooperation, exchange and joint capacity building in Asia and beyond, will help to create and/or deepen relations at working level, support networks and generate information. It will thus provide a framework for strategic complementary action supporting the Security and Defence Dialogues. COUNTER TERRORISM / PREVENTION CYBER SECURITY OF VIOLENT EXTREMISM Explore options to prevent, protect, pursue and                                                     Promote norms of responsible state behaviour and the respond to terrorism and violent extremism.                                                         application of international law in cyberspace, and deepen cooperation to investigate and prosecute cyber- Terrorism and violent extremism remain major structural                                             crime in line with the Budapest Convention. problems in many parts of Asia. To various degrees in the pilot countries, threats include home-grown radicalisa-                                             The initiative will promote a single, open, free, stable and tion and terrorist groups as well as returning foreign                                              secure cyberspace where human rights, fundamental fighters (FTF); and the link between organised crime and                                            freedoms and the rule of law apply. It will develop approach- terrorism. The EU continues to develop its engagement                                               es and responses to prevent conflicts and address cyber-re- on Counter-Terrorism (CT) and Prevention of Violent                                                 lated challenges. Activities will be carried out to raise aware- Extremism (PVE) in the pilot countries, both bilaterally and                                        ness of the EU’s contriubtion to global cyber stability and within regional inter-governmental organisations such as                                            resilience. Important policy dialogues are taking place in the ASEAN/ARF. Within this sensitive thematic domain, the                                               UN on norms in cyberspace and adoption of the Council of action promotes the exchange of good practices on how                                               Europe Budapest Convention on cybercrime is increasing. to cope with terrorism and violent extremism challenges,                                            The action will share best practices, build confidence, devel- including the role of women and young people.                                                       op capacities and promote cooperation and transparency. MARITIME SECURITY                                                                                   CRISIS MANAGEMENT Contribute to an open and secure maritime domain                                                    Expand opportunities to share experience, train and and strenghten the ability of ASEAN and its Member                                                  operate             together           in            Crisis       Management. States to better address traditional and non-tradition- al maritime security issues.                                                                        One of the most visible areas where the EU is regarded as a security actor from the Asian perspective is Crisis Manage- Considering the importance of seaborne trade between                                                ment, through missions and operations conducted under Asia and Europe, economies between both regions are                                                 CSDP. Two pilot countries, the Republic of Korea and Vietnam, increasingly interlinked. Any hindrance to stability in the                                         have signed Framework Participation Agreements enabling region can have a significant impact on Europe. Maritime                                            them to contribute to CSDP missions and operations. The Security aspects of the action will therefore enhance the                                           ongoing participation in EUNAVFOR ATALANTA by the role of the EU as a credible security provider in the                                               Republic of Korea provides a base from which to broaden Asia-Pacific region. Building upon its multi-faceted exper-                                         operational cooperation. India, Indonesia and Japan have tise and its existing achievements, the EU will identify new                                        considerable experience in this field that offers opportunities concrete and operational opportunities for interactions                                             for closer and more sustained exchanges, including through with five partner countries and regional organisations                                              cooperation on capacity building in the region on the role of where it can bring added-value and promote a                                                        civilians in peace and security, implementation of UN resolu- rules-based order, preservation of freedom of navigation,                                           tion 1325, and emerging trends and challenges. and "maritime multilateralism". This multi-donor action is co-financed by the European Union, the German Federal Foreign Office and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is implemented by GIZ and Expertise France.