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Subject:                         Email 9 FW: Follow up Extraordinary MB meeting on 10 November 2020 From: MBsecretariat Sent: 16 November 2020 08:10 To: Executive Director Cc: MBsecretariat Subject: Follow up Extraordinary MB meeting on 10 November 2020 Dear Fabrice, Please find attached the questions from the Germany. Kind regards, {Personal Data] From: [Personal Data] Sent: 14 November 2020 20:43 To: MBsecretariat Cc: [Personal Data] Subject: [EXTERNAL] Follow up Extraordinary MB meeting on 10 November 2020 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] CAUTION: Email originated from outside of Frontex. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize and trust the sender. Dear colleagues, 1

On behalf of the German member of the Management Board, [Personal Data], please find below the questions addressed to the Frontex Executive Director as follow up to the meeting: “Dear Mr. Leggeri, dear Fabrice, Thank you very much for the explanations provided in the extraordinary management board on November 10th 2020. The preliminary report was very informative to us. If you have any information regarding other incidents which might be relevant in this context, I would be grateful if you could complete the report to that effect. Furthermore, we would be delighted if you could explain how the consultative forum will be involved in the further process. Kind regards [Personal Data] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Personal Data] 2