
Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Information on the planned Commission FOI platform

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Ref. Ares(2020)7898139 - 23/12/2020

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description Outcomes................................................................................................................................................... 18 PoC 4: AI generated responses .................................................................................................................... 19 Why use A.I? ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Step 1: Create a dataset ........................................................................................................................ 19 Step 2: Define the best approach to generate responses ..................................................................... 19 Step 3: User interface ............................................................................................................................ 19 User scenario ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Technology ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Using embeddings: ................................................................................................................................ 20 Sequence to Sequence .......................................................................................................................... 21 Generative Adversarial Networks .......................................................................................................... 22 Outcomes................................................................................................................................................... 24 This document outlines DIGIT.D.1’s proposal for four (4) Proof of Concepts PoC (will also be noted as “use cases”) including their description, the steps undertaken and their outcome. PoC 1: Personal data recognition in text Using Personal Data Recognition the user will be able to identify personal information in a text. The interface will identify, where possible, the person and its grade. With this tool, the user will be able to execute a predefined action to amend a text and generate a new version of the document. Why use A.I? Artificial Intelligence’s biggest advantage is its ability to learn and generalize rules from data. The learned rules are then applied on new unseen data for different purposes. When working with documents the main challenges usually are:  Large amount of data to be processed  Repetitive tasks  Different formats and Languages  Duplicates of contents  Different “styles” and context of content  Quality  Time to deliver A.I has the ability to adapt to any particular “style” and context to extract rules. These rules can be used to:  Identify points of interest in the documents  Identify similar parts of documents  Identify similar documents  Enforce ‘style’  Verify Quality  Create or translate documents  Provide a continuous and improving quality of delivery By combining A.I with current state of the art computational power:  Large amount of documents can be processed extremely fast  Data can be processed 24/7 with equal quality of delivery

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description By combining A.I with human verification and interaction, systems that merge speed, accuracy, continuous quality with human abilities can be built. Moreover providing feedbacks to the A.I will allow the system to continuously evolve. By using this approach a so-called human-in-the-loop systems is built. Step 1: Creation of a dataset First a dataset that identifies the start and end positions of personal data in text is annotated (labelled). Then the infrastructure and functionalities to securely move the data to the place of computation is prepared. Finally, the data is split into two subsets. A train subsets and a validation subsets. Usually personal data refers to:  Name  Surname  E-mail  Postal address  Phone number  Fax-Number  Job title  (optional) Handwritten initials  (optional) Handwritten signatures  (optional) Photos Step 2: Training and optimisation of the algorithm During this stage, the dataset will be used to train an algorithm to identify the parts of the text labelled as personal data. Once a sufficient accuracy is achieved, the weights of the algorithm will be froze into a model. This model will then be used for the integration of the algorithm into the further proposed functionalities. Step 3: Association of classified personal data to Who is Who During this stage, the functionalities to link the data classified by the model to Who is Who will be created in the effort to provide the possibility to identify the administrative position of the person mentioned in the text. Step 4: User interface A simple interface allowing the analysis of one or multiple files will be developed. For every file, the user will be able to visualize the personal data identified by the algorithm. The visualisation will present the value, the class predicted by the algorithm and the information retrieved from Who is Who. Moreover, the user will be able to select the entries he wishes to modify and execute the desired modification(s) on all of them. User scenario Francine is in charge of removing personal information from documents that are sent out by her unit. Her task is to read all the documents that relate to specific request and indicate where in the text personal information is mentioned. Francine will then go to an internal application to find out what the persons role is. Given the specificities of the request she needs to make some or all types of personal data unreadable in respect of the persons role. Instead of doing this manually, Francine can drop the files in a folder and indicate the path to follow to

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description find the folder. The documents will be analysed using artificial intelligence. Francine can open an interface and visualise all the personal data found in each document. Next to the personal data she can also see information retrieved from internal service indicating the job title of the person. She can select one or more entries and select a modification function that will be executed on the text and generate a modified version of the document. Technology To achieve the above-mentioned functionalities the text needs to be fed as an input to a deep learning algorithm. This algorithm is then being asked to ‘predict’ the classification of every word or a sequence of words in the text. When working with words and letters, these words and letters needs to be fed into the algorithm in order to transform them into arrays of numbers. The same method is applied with images. In order to achieve this, a vocabulary where every word is given a unique key is created. Let's say we have a vocabulary of 3 words. Each of them has a unique number. Rome  1, Paris  2, Italy  3

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description At this point a one-hot encoding can be created to represent these words. One hot encoding represents a vector (an array) that has the length of the vocabulary’s size. Meaning if there is a four words vocabulary each words will have an array of size four [0,0,0,0]. The word represented is written by using a ‘1’ at the index of the word in the vocabulary. For example: Rome = [1,0,0,0,0] I        = [0,1,0,0,0] Went = [0,0,1,0,0] To       = [0,0,0,1,0] Italy    = [0,0,0,0,1] At this point a sentence (i.e. a sequence of words) can be represented by using vectors (arrays). The sentence: 'I went to Rome' can be represented as a sequence of one hot encodings as follow: [ [0,1,0,0,0] , [0,0,1,0,0] , [0,0,0,1,0] , [1,0,0,0,0] ] This representation is then fed into an algorithm. However it is not an ideal representation. The vectors (arrays) contain mostly zeroes (sparse) meaning that a lot of data will be needed in order to train an algorithm. Given two sentences 'I went to Rome' and 'I went to Italy'. The difference between them does not represent the relationship between Rome and Italy. The indices at which the words Rome [1,0,0,0,0] and Italy [0,0,0,0,1] are saved in the vocabulary are random and do not represent any relationship. To solve this issue an approach called word2vec is used. In this approach the word as well at its context are looked at. One technique to generate word vectors (embedding) is Skip-gram. Skip-gram: Skip-gram looks at the context in which a word appears by looking at the words surrounding this word. For example given the following sentence: 'I went to Rome' The following pairs will be produced: ( [I,to], went ) , ( [went,Rome],to ) These sequences can now be fed into a simple algorithm and trained using randomly generated negative samples (invalid sequences) and real sequences. The output of this algorithm is a dense vector (multi- dimensional array) called embedding. This is called semi-supervised learning. These embeddings are able to capture the relationships between words and when computing the distance (difference) between them the relationship is represented.

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description
Skip-gram is not the only approach that can provide us with these kind of embeddings (context insights).
Other possible approaches such as Glove and Bert are possible.

In our case we are looking for not only one word but a sequence of words. Most algorithms do not have a
memory and are not able to take previous inputs into account to generate a prediction.

For example, an image classification algorithm can classify ten sheep, one after the other but it will not
classify them as a herd of sheep.


An algorithm that can consider sequences and understand that seeing five sheep in a sequence means
that it is looking at a herd is needed.

These algorithms are called recurrent neural networks RNN. What distinguishes them from the rest is that
they take two inputs one of them being the previous output.

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Using the sheep example:



By using RNN classifications on sequences of inputs are made.

To achieve that we need to feed in the sequences into an RNN take in the outputs of all the sequences
and pass them into a fully connected layer the output of which is used to make the classification.

A fully connected layer is a layer of neurons where all the neurons are connected to each other. To make
the classification the Softmax function used. Softmax function provides a probability distribution over the

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description number of classes. Using this approach a sequence of words is fed into an algorithm and teach it to extract rules to be able to classify the sequence. Currently a number of open source NLP frameworks that provide this architecture exist as well as models that are already trained on large corpus of words. We are able to leverage on them by using a technique called transfer learning. In deep learning the possibility to re-use a part of trained algorithm and to build on top of it is possible. It turns out that during training the lower layers of the algorithm will acquire the ability to distinguish basic rules and the higher layers will harvest on that to make the high level decision. So during the process we reuse pre-trained models and layers. There are multiple ways to go.  We can completely freeze them and not train them.  We can train some of them  We can train the full new architecture Outcomes: A tool that allows the detection and amendment of personal data in text and association with information coming from who is who.

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description PoC 2: AI-based Search engine on keyword(s) The user of the engine would type a selection of keywords or one keyword, the algorithm would then use these selected keywords to score all documents and return a list of the top “n” best matches of these documents (“n” to be specified by the user). The top “n” best matching documents will then be further classified by most occurring topics among them. The Document types used by the search engine All words and PDF documents plus email messages (“.msg”) in English will be analysed and scored. Optional: we let the user select the library or folder for the search. For example, the user may only be interested in a subfolder/ part within ARES. The keywords used for the search The analyst will specify one or more keywords for the search. The more specific the keywords the more accurate the results will be. Generic terms like “Europe” or ,“Commission”…are not likely to provide specific results. In order to make sure we cover the broadest semantic spectrum, the keywords are automatically matched with their semantically closest words (a method called word-embeddings will be applied here, see POC proposal 1). These closely related / synonymous words will then also be included in the search algorithm. Note that the semantic matching of keywords will be ARES-based as the AI analysis (word embeddings) that will compute the semantic proximity of words is using ARES documents only. This will make sure that we fit to your specific semantic universe to find similar words. Optional: We could also let the user specify the number of semantic matching words they would like to use. Note that increasing the number of retrieved synonyms will augment the chance of finding the right documents but it increases also the risk of retrieving documents that are not related at all to the initial goal of the search. Indeed the top 3 closest synonyms should be very close in meaning to the actual th      th keyword selected by the user while the 7 or 10 closest synonym might be more distant in meaning. The top “n” list of best matching documents The algorithm will then “read” and score every document and give it a matching score. The scoring will be based on the selected keywords plus the 3 most similar words (semantically matched based on word embeddings) to each of the keywords. The algorithm will retain the top 100 best matching documents. The list appears in descending order of the matching score. Optional: we could specify a parameter to be adjusted by the user so that you choose the amount of best documents returned as a result (top 25, top 50, top 75). Classification of the top 100 into classes of most important topics found The list of 100 documents will then be further analysed to find the most important “naturally” occurring topics covered within the top 100 documents (we will apply a topic modelling algorithm here). Each document is then assigned to a unique topic category. Naturally occurring topics (clusters) means that the algorithm will define the topics based on most occurring terms it finds in the 100 documents. Topics are not predefined by the user.

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description Optional: we can set a limit to the maximum number of topics to be considered. Topic modeling: a brief introduction: Say you have a set of 1000 words (i.e. most common 1000 words found in all the documents) and you have 1000 documents. Assume that each document on average has 500 of these words appearing in each. How can you understand what category each document belongs to? One way is to connect each document to each word by a thread based on their appearance in the document. Something like below. Modeling documents just with words. You can see that we can’t really infer any useful information due to the large amount of connections How can you solve this problem? By finding the latent “topics” class hidden in the data.

SG Artificial Intelligence Study Use Case Description The algorithm will find the hidden topics (in this example: Animals, Sports, Tech). The final step will then be to assign each doc to its most relevant topics class. The result / output from a search The result will show for each class of topic found, the list of documents that are contained in this class rank ordered by their matching score to the keywords used in the Analysis. User scenario Francine wants to retrieve all specific documents that relate to “French income tax” 1st step: Francine defines her search She types in the keywords she thinks are the most relevant to detect what she is looking for. Then she can decide to modify the optional parameters:  A sub-folder to restrict the search to only one area of the library  The number of synonyms to the her keywords that she wants to add to the search. She could increase this number if she wants to minimize the chances of missing a document, however by doing so she might also get more documents of a lesser relevance.  She can decide to retrieve more or less than 100 documents in the final output.  She can decide that she wants to see results for more or less than 5 topics in the total number of documents

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