
Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Infringement proceedings 1990-1994

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NL, Do/ esL

DR. 7 /EoF /° ln
DPOFAEE ec 89-93
TO [SE ss so

FAX 230- 32 03


DG ENV 25/11/99 17529 A


7)% November 1999 ARD I
INFO:B3 * |E1 | |



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Director General

DGXI ARCH U] ccpn O[>sof>r_0O

Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection
Rue de la Loi 200
B-1049 Brussels

Dear Director General
Re: Measures Reports under the Phosphorous Regulations

| have been asked by my authorities to refer to your letter (ref: 010789) of 26 August,
1999 in relation to Ireland’s pollution reduction programme in respect of phosphorus.
In particular, you asked my authorities provide the Commission with a copy of the
"measures report" to be submitted by each local authority to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in accordance with article 4(2) of the Local Government
(Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus) Regulations,
1998 (SI No. 258 of 1998) ("the Phosphorous Regulations").

The Phosphorous Regulations required that a measures report be prepared by each
local authority and be submitted to the EPA by end July 1999. It will be clear from the
terms of the Phosphorous Regulations that no specific reporting obligation arises for
the Agency in the context of the measures reports required under article 4 (2) ofthe
Regulations. The reporting functions of the Agency arise in the context of the
subsequent progress reports which local authorities are required to submit to the
EPA on a two-yearly basis. The first progress report is required by end July, 2000.
Within nine months of that deadline, the EPA is required, under article 4 (4) of the
Regulations, to prepare and publish a report on overall progress in implementing the


In order to facilitate the Commission in the context of your specific request in relation
to local authority measures reports, however,| am advised by my authorities that the
EPA will prepare a synthesis report of all the measures reports when availaßle (a
number are still outstanding and being pursued by the EPA). A copy of the synthesis
report will be sent to the Commission, with the measures ‚reports, as soon 3s the full

documentation is available.

Yours sincerely


Environment Attache

CHICH nn jommission Legal Service