
Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Interactions with Amazon

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Document 8.b From:            CAB BIENKOWSKA ARCHIVES To:             " Cc:                                (CAB-BIENKOWSKA) Subject:         RE/ Reg. number: Ares(2018)2904802: Meeting Request Amazon Web Services Date:            mercredi 20 juin 2018 10:08:36 Attachments:                              .pdf Bieńkowska Amazon Web Services Invititation July 2018.pdf image001.jpg Dear Ms           , I am writing on behalf of Commissioner Bienkowska, who asked me to reply to the letter from Mr , requesting a meeting between her and Amazon Web Service's Vice President, Mr                     . Unfortunately due to Commissioner's agenda commitments connected with College and Parliament session in Strasbourg none of the suggested dates will be possible and therefore she has to decline his request. Please convey Commissioner's best regards to Mr                             . Yours sincerely Document Management Officer European Commission Cabinet BIENKOWSKA BERL 09/284 ( @      From:                         [mailto: ] Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 1:15 PM To:                               (CAB-BIENKOWSKA) Cc:                             ;              ; Subject: Meeting Request Amazon Web Services Dear                          , Please see attached a letter requesting a meeting with Commissioner Bieńkowska for Mr                           , Vice President of Public Policy at Amazon Web Services. I hope this meeting will be possible and look forward to liaising with your office to set this up.

E: | 0:            | Avenue des Arts 27, 1040 Brussels Amazon Europe Core societe a responsabilite limitee, 5 rue Plaetis, 2338 Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg n B 180022. Autorisation d etablissement en qualite de commercante n 10040783.