PAD Confirmatory application

Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Responses to access to documents in 2021

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All data held by the agency on all return operations undertaken by the EBCGA for the period of (full years) 2019 and 2020, including for each flight, if available (and, if possible, in .xls, .csv or other machine-readable format): •    The date •    The identifying code •    The destination •    The organising state and the number of people returned by that state •    The participating states and the number of people returned by each state •    The number of escorts deployed by each state (whether OMS or PMS) •    The number of monitors deployed per state involved •    The number of observers deployed •    The number of Frontex staff deployed •    The type of return operation (NRO, CRO, JRO, etc.) The cost of the operation and the amount contributed by the EBCGA I further note your arguments in your confirmatory application The data provided is partly aggregated and does therefore not provide the above-mentioned information requested, in particular: 1)   the number of people returned by each state to each destination (data was only provided for aggregated destinations per operation and member state) 2)   the number of observers and escorts deployed by each state to each destination (data was only provided for aggregated destinations per operation and member state) 3)   the amount contributed by the EBCGA by operation, member state and destination (the provided data is aggregated by operation) Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency | Pl. Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland | Tel. +48 22 205 95 00 | Fax +48 22 205 95 01

4)   the number of monitors (per state involved) and Frontex staff deployed on each flight (disaggregated by member state and destination; the provided data is aggregated by operation). My original application requested “all data […] available”, which always means the full, most disaggregated data available unless otherwise specified. 5)   Additionally, although requested, the “cost of the operation” for each flight was not included in the data (only the amount contributed) and no explanation was provided for the missing of this requested data. I therefore repeat my request for this data, disaggregated by operation, member state and destination if possible. As regards points 1,3 and 4 of your confirmatory application please note that my reconsideration, based on the variables provided in your initial application, led to the identification of six additional extracts of the relevant database, which are herewith attached. Responding to your points 2 and 5 and after having conducted an additional search, please note that Frontex does not hold any documents containing information pertaining to the particular variables. In accordance with Article 8(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/20011, you are entitled to institute court proceedings and/or make a complaint to the European Ombudsman under the relevant provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. 1 Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43). Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency | Pl. Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland | Tel. +48 22 205 95 00 | Fax +48 22 205 95 01