Microsoft Word - PAD-2021-00135

Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Responses to access to documents in 2021

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documents containing the following information: The final report on the evaluation of the pilot project on small MALE drones in the Central Mediterranean carried out from 18 October to 19 June 2019 with Italy's Ministry of Interior, the Guardia di Finanza, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), the Italian Air Navigation Authority (ENAV) and the Airport Operator (AST) Lampedusa, as well as the company Leonardo and with the participation of Malta, also the final report on the evaluation of the pilot project on MALE drones conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean in 2018, and the subsequent documentation of the technical assistance provided by the Research and Innovation Unit for the acquisition of MALE drone services for Frontex. Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency | Pl. Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland | Tel. +48 22 205 95 00 | Fax +48 22 205 95 01

Please be informed that Frontex does not hold such documents. Pursuant to Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/20011, within 15 working days of the receipt of this letter, you may submit a confirmatory application to Frontex to reconsider its position. Based on Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, Frontex will reply to you within 15 working days from the registration of such application. You can submit your confirmatory application by post or electronically. 1 Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43).