Dieses Dokument ist Teil der Anfrage „Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) in 2020

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Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum Berlin, 15 October 2020 Presidency Flash for the informal videoconference on 21 and 22 October Dear Colleagues, We would like to thank the Commission once more for its very informative and comprehensive presentation of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in the SCIFA meeting held on 13 October and your subsequent constructive interventions and additional questions that helped to shape further our common understanding of the Pact. In our up-coming meetings on 21 and 22 October, we would like to concentrate our strategic discussion on two important aspects of the Pact: On the first day, we would like to devote our time to the pre-entry procedure and on the second day to the principle of solidarity. A discussion paper on each of these two topics will follow in due course. Since these are both very important topics, we would like to foresee four hours of discussion on each day (starting in the morning, 2x2 hours, with a small break in between). As suggested by many of you in the SCIFA meeting of 13 October, the Presidency would like to share with you its planning with regard to the discussions on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in the different meeting formats (i.e. SCIFA, WP, HLWG, JHA Council etc.) until the end of the year (see Annex). Please note that meeting dates beyond October (except the dates for the JHA Council) are not finalised yet and therefore also the suggested topical discussions might be subject to change (also in view of the pandemic situation in Brussels). We hope that you will find this useful for your own further planning and stand ready for any questions you may have (EUKOR-Migration@bmi.bund.de). The Presidency Team of the SCIFA SCIFA | 1

ANNEX Tentative Planning of the Presidency with regard to the New Pact on Migration and Asylum Date      Topic                                             Meeting Format October 13.10     - Presentation of the New Pact on Migration and   SCIFA Asylum by the COM and first exchange of views - Introduction Blueprint by the COM 14.10.    EURODAC Regulation – morning                      WP on Asylum Asylum Procedure Regulation (APR, amendments) – afternoon 14.10.    Presentation of the New Pact on Migration and     HLWG Asylum by the COM and discussion on the External Dimension 19.10.    Screening Regulation                              WP on Frontiers 19. and   EURODAC Regulation                                WP on Asylum 20.10. 20.10.    Crisis Blueprint                                  JHA Counsellors (Migration Situation) 21.10.    Strategic discussion on pre-entry procedure       SCIFA (1/2 day) 22.10.    Strategic discussion on solidarity                SCIFA (1/2 day) ANNEX                                                            SCIFA | 2

Date         Topic                                                Meeting Format 23.10.       Legal Migration                                      WP IMEX (1/2 day)     - COVID-19 - Lessons learned regarding              (Admission) immigration - EU legislation on legal migration – state of play and possible way forward 23.10.       APR Regulation (amendments) - morning                WP on Asylum 23.10.       EUAA Regulation - afternoon                          JHA Counsellors (Asylum) 26.10.       New Pact on Migration and Asylum – return aspects    WP IMEX (Expulsion) 27.10.       APR Regulation (amendments)                          WP on Asylum 28. and      Bi-annual NCP meeting                                EASO Resettlement 29.10.        - Operational questions on Covid-19: situation      Network meeting (VC) and resumption - National developments and planning 2021 in light of the New Pact and its recommendation on resettlement 30.10.       Strategic discussion on pre-entry procedure and      SCIFA (full day)   solidarity as well as on other key elements of the Pact (e.g. secondary movements, return, legal migration etc.) for the outline of a political agreement in preparation of the JHA Council of 13 November November As of 01.11. Weekly regular meetings planned                      Policy level (Coreper), JHA Counsellors and WPs APR Regulation (amendments)                          WP on Asylum Possibly EURODAC Regulation                          (with the participation of WP IMEX- (Expulsion) Screening Regulation                                 WP on Frontiers Screening Regluation                                 WP on Frontiers 13.11.       Political debate on key elements of the New Pact on  JHA Council Migration and Asylum (pre-entry procedure and ANNEX                                                                   SCIFA | 3

Date     Topic                                                 Meeting Format solidarity) as well as on other key elements of the Pact (e.g. secondary movements, return, legal migration etc.) on the basis of a first outline for a possible political agreement in the JHA Council of 4 December Screening Regulation                                  WP on Frontiers APR Regulation (amendments)                           WP on Asylum Further discussions on legal migration                WP IMEX (Admission) Screening Regulation                                  WP on Frontiers - Discussion on return/cooperation with third         SCIFA countries - Discussion on the implementation of the regulation on the European Boarder and Coast Guard (EBCG ) - Discussion on the Crisis Blueprint tbc                                                   HLWG Cooperation with third countries on readmission       WP IMEX (Expulsion) December Possibly EURODAC Regulation                           WP on Asylum 04.12.   Political confirmation of key elements of the New     JHA Council Pact ANNEX                                                               SCIFA | 4