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Council of the European Union Brussels, 29 May 2019 (OR. en) 9797/19 LIMITE MIGR 87 NOTE From: To: Presidency Delegations Subject: Presidency paper on Elements of Effective Reintegration in the Return Context Delegations will find in annex the above-mentioned Presidency paper to be discussed at the forthcoming IMEX (Expulsion) meeting on 5 June 2019. 9797/19 JV/kl JAI.1 LIMITE 1 EN

ANNEX Presidency paper on Elements of Effective Reintegration in the Return Context Scope and background The Council discussed return and reintegration in the joint-meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) and the High-Level Working Group (HLWG) on 14 February 2019. Building on previous work done by the Council and the Commission on the 1 subject , this discussion was meant to serve different objectives: to launch a longer-term debate on return and reintegration at a more political level, to find a common understanding of the objectives of reintegration in the context of the return policy, to make a general overview of existing reintegration projects and to start a discussion on the currently fragmented approach in view of identifying possible solutions at EU level to improve the effectiveness of reintegration. Member States were invited to present their views on the best mix of tools and instruments that could be used to reach our respective policy objectives on reintegration and on the ways to better link initiatives that exist at the EU and national level so as to cover existing gaps. As an immediate result of the joint-meeting, it was agreed that Member States and the Commission should work together to improve the effectiveness and coherence of all reintegration activities. nd Reintegration was further discussed at the 22 European Migration Network Return Expert Group meeting on 25 February 2019, where Member States and the Commission, building on the discussion in SCIFA-HLWG, exchanged views on reintegration tools in the return context. This Presidency paper outlines the various tools and elements of reintegration that have been highlighted by Member States and the Commission and which should be explored in more detail, paving the way for making reintegration more effective. 1 2015 European Agenda on Migration (COM(2015) 240 final); Council Non-binding common standards for assisted voluntary return and reintegration programmes (8829/16); Commission recommendations on return (COM(2017) 1600 final). 9797/19 ANNEX JV/kl JAI.1 LIMITE 2 EN

Elements of effective reintegration in return policy In order to understand reintegration as part of return policy, separate reintegration elements in the return context need to be explored individually. Identifying and agreeing on these elements is the next step towards a more coherent approach to reintegration which could ultimately make reintegration more effective. The list of such elements could include: • Referral mechanisms and single marketplace There is an extensive network of international organisations, non-governmental organisations and other actors providing reintegration assistance in third countries. To avoid overlaps and to ensure complementarity, stakeholders need to work closely together and build useful referral systems and efficient operational links. A common marketplace along with a single framework for contracting could bring together reintegration assistance service-providers and individual reintegration case- workers in Member States. • Quality framework for reintegration service-providers The quality and consistency of reintegration service-provision should be ensured. Currently, there is no common criteria for assessing the performance of service-providers or on determining the minimum content of reintegration assistance. 9797/19 ANNEX JV/kl JAI.1 LIMITE 3 EN

• Tailor-made approach and access to information During the above-mentioned discussions several Member States highlighted the need to apply a tailor-made approach to voluntary return and reintegration assistance for returnees. Determining the type and content of support should therefore follow as much as possible evidence and a needs-based approach, which also requires appropriate funding. In this regard, adapted, reliable, on-time and professionally delivered information promotes predictability and is essential for managing the expectations of returnees. • Monitoring the effectiveness of reintegration The development of useful monitoring tools is essential to measure the effectiveness of reintegration, including its impact on voluntary return, and to finally answering the questions what works and why. Transparent reporting on various projects and programmes is an important tool for evaluating ongoing initiatives and focusing resources and efforts where necessary. Member States are invited to share their views on the elements of reintegration in the return context outlined above and to answer the following questions: 1. Do you agree with the identified elements of effective reintegration as outlined above? 2. Are there other elements of reintegration that should be explored in further detail? 3. Do you agree with the approach to further explore these aspects of reintegration on a more technical level? 9797/19 ANNEX JV/kl JAI.1 LIMITE 4 EN