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Coordination meeting ICMPD - EU

Meeting Minutes

Date, time, place: Friday, 8 October 2021, 14h00 Malta time - WEBEX
Participants: ICMPD





Tunisia Component

l. Update on state of play of activities

e Refurbishment and equipment of operational rooms: 16 operational
rooms have been upgraded with desk, chairs, computers etc. Two
more rooms will be done next week in Tunis (National Guard HO in

«e Some navigational radars and thermal cameras have been installed
in September 2021 and training has been provided by the suppliers.

e UPS: the Kick-off meeting took place and the delivery is planned to
take place in 4 to 5 weeks.

e Upgrade of the Core Network and servers: The TS have been
finalised and the tender is expected to be launched by the end of
the week.

«e Vehicle mounted mobile surveillance radars: The TS are being
finalised and the tender is expected to be launched next week.

Coastal Surveillance Radars and transmission equipment

The TS are being developed. ICMPD is awaiting the updated version
and will then share the TS with DG NEAR and Co-Delegate as

The tendering process is being discussed internally in ICMPD. It is
planned to be an international tender. ICMPD is estimating the
procurement process to be done by mid-June 2022.

DG NEAR suggests ICMPD to consider hiring a specialised company
that can advise on the procurement process. DG Near also advises
ICMPD to consider the possibility of a call for expression of interest_
in order to allow selected tenderers to make possibly site visits. get

more precise information for the preparation of their offers.
ICMPD took note of DG NEAR’s proposal and will discuss with their

procurement department to ensure that the appropriate
procurement procedure is followed, in line with ICMPD’s
procurement rules.


Next week a final test will be raun to accept the prototype in the
north district.

As of today, the tests are satisfying. The transfer of data between
vessels and land stations will be tested again. ISMariS’ prototype
started with 4 vessels and land stations, if the tests are satisfying;
the contract will be signed to replicate the system in other vessels
and districts.


ICMPD requested further tests for ROV and SONAR before accepting
the equipment (testing is foreseen in the contract).

ROV as per TS should go 200 meters depth at sea, this still needs to
be tested.


® Thetraining on management of dead bodies at sea will take place in

Tunisia (18-21 October 2021) and is being implemented in
cooperation with the French partners. ICMPD hepes-plans to
continue delivering capacity-building activities with the French
partners. EUD TUN will possibly seek to organise some visibility
events (EU/France).

Training on radars equipment haves been delivered. Further training
is foreseen with the installations.


EUD TUN indicates that there is no update on the visibility event for
the operational rooms.

«e With regard to ISMariS, EUD TUN proposes to wait until more
equipment will be installed and to do a visibility event for different
types of equipment.

ll. Extension of the programme
e The contribution agreement will be signed by DG NEAR on Monday
11 October or Tuesday 12'" October 2021.

Ill. ROM
e The ROM mission for the Tunisia component is expected to be held
in December 2021.



e EUD TUN will meet next week the new directors for borders guards
and will take this opportunity to talk about EU’s actions in the field
of border management including the BMP-Maghreb.


Morocco Component

l. Update on state of play of activities

« Equipment: last video surveillance equipment (VSE) have been
delivered and the training is planned to take place in November

« Training: The training on VSE will be at Dahua’s office and is being
organised by the supplier (Intertech). ICMPD is adding an expert to
deliver a training on data protection and privacy. DGSN agreed with
the additional training.

«e Visibility: Based on EUD MOR’s suggestions, there will be no
visibility event for the end of the project.

«e DG NEAR congrats ICMPD for their continuous efforts and for the
prompt delivering of the project.

Remaining funds

e Activities on capacity-building have been postponed due to COVID-
19, as such a further no-cost extension of the MOR component will
allow ICMPD to provide further trainings to the beneficiaries.

e ICMPD launched a Training Institute on Migration Capacity
Partnership for the Mediterranean (MCP). In this regard, the Maltese
authorities have invited the Moroccan partners to be part ofthe
governing board. In this framework, the Moroccan partners could be
more interested in implementing capacity-building activities since
they will be able to provide their inputs in the development of the

« The curricula and trainings organised in this framework will be
developed based on needs of the beneficiary. The training will be
accredited (EU accredited).

«e ICMPD proposes to discuss further together with DG NEAR before
discussing it with the beneficiaries.

I. ROM mission

e The result ofthe ROM Mission for the Morocco component will be
communicated once the ROM mission for the Tunisia component is
done as the ROM is undertaken per project and not per component.

Ill. Questions from Journalist

A Journalist from The Intercept contacted ICMPD with regard to the
BMP-Maghreb Morocco component. ICMPD shared their proposed
answers with DG Near for feedback.

e DG NEAR advises ICMPD to consider article 10 of the handover
contracts (transfer of ownership - shared responsibilities in
communication) as well as article 7 (use of the equipment).

e DG NEAR advises ICMPD to look into ICMPD’s regulation whether it
follows Austrian procedures and laws on transparency.

«e DG NEAR will provide written feedback to ICMPD in this regard.


. ICMPD will send the TS for the Coastal Surveillance System to DG
NEAR and Co-Delegate.

. DG NEAR and ICMPD will discuss the possibility of a no-cost
extension of the Morocco component.

. EUD Tunisia will discuss the possibility of a visibility event for the
training that is being implemented in cooperation with the

. DG NEAR will provide inputs with regard to the answers to the
journalist for the Moroccan Component.