EU Blue Card residence permit expired when living outside of Germany for 5 months

Dea Madam,
Dear Sir,
I'm an EU Blue Card holder in Germany. Recently Münster immigration office cancelled I and all other 3 family members' Blue Card residence permits when we have been staying outside of Germany for 5 months. I was suggested by the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) to seek support and help from you to resolve the problem and claim back our residence. The back ground is as follows:
Since Jan. 2010 I've been working for company Saurer. Oct. 2019 I signed my new labor contract with our German company Saurer Technologies GmbH in Münster as senior sales manager starting from Jan. 2020. In Nov. 2019 I applied the Blue Card visa, and same time for my wife and my 2 sons. I rented also a flat starting from Jan. 2020. Middle of January 2020 I was in Müster and did the registration. Due to the Corvid-19 issue, I and my family members extended our visas and in Aug. 2020 we were in Münster to go through the admin processes including EU Blue Card residence permits. We left Germany 10 days after on 13th August . Due to the Covid issue my following trip to Germany in October was postponed and up to now I've been working from home. End of December I wrote to Müster immigration office for updating visa information and extension of the residence permits for my 2 sons. On 12th Jan. 2021 they informed me that I and my family's residence permits were all expired according to "§ 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 AufenthG" due to the reason we left Germany in 13th August 2020 and our living center now in Montreal/Canada is " nicht vorübergehenden ". After a few times back and forth explanation, Münster immigration office insisted on the decision to cancel our residence permits.
I've consulted in between Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) and got their reply on 23th January 2021. The stated that according to AufenthG § 51 (1) (10), that the Blue Card residence holders including the family members who have also the Blue Card Residence permits, are entitled to stay outside of Germany/EU countries for up to 12 months, and “no temporary purpose” can be assumed, if the foreigner gives up his accommodation and job in Germany and leaves the country with his property. As I have been working for my Muenster employer, obtaining my salaries, paying my income tax, social charges, insurance as an ordinary employee since my 1st salary in February 2020. I have also been paying my rent for the flat since January 2020 up to now. Counting from 13th August 2020 up to the date of residence cancellation it's only 5 months. During the phone call the officer in the hot-line of BAMF told me, that it was very unusual that Muenster immigration office made such decision. He suggested that I get in touch with you, the superior authority, to seek your support and help to resolve the problem. That is why I'm writing to you here.
As I have my next schedule visit to Munster beginning of March, I'm really expecting that you could take quick supporting actions on this matter as to return my residence. In case your need further information, kindly let me know.

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  • Datum
    8. Februar 2021
  • Frist
    10. März 2021
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EU Blue Card residence permit expired when living outside of Germany for 5 months [#211583]
8. Februar 2021 04:21
Ministerium des Innern des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Antrag nach dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz NRW, UIG NRW, VIG Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in bitte senden Sie mir Folgendes zu:
Dea Madam, Dear Sir, I'm an EU Blue Card holder in Germany. Recently Münster immigration office cancelled I and all other 3 family members' Blue Card residence permits when we have been staying outside of Germany for 5 months. I was suggested by the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) to seek support and help from you to resolve the problem and claim back our residence. The back ground is as follows: Since Jan. 2010 I've been working for company Saurer. Oct. 2019 I signed my new labor contract with our German company Saurer Technologies GmbH in Münster as senior sales manager starting from Jan. 2020. In Nov. 2019 I applied the Blue Card visa, and same time for my wife and my 2 sons. I rented also a flat starting from Jan. 2020. Middle of January 2020 I was in Müster and did the registration. Due to the Corvid-19 issue, I and my family members extended our visas and in Aug. 2020 we were in Münster to go through the admin processes including EU Blue Card residence permits. We left Germany 10 days after on 13th August . Due to the Covid issue my following trip to Germany in October was postponed and up to now I've been working from home. End of December I wrote to Müster immigration office for updating visa information and extension of the residence permits for my 2 sons. On 12th Jan. 2021 they informed me that I and my family's residence permits were all expired according to "§ 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 AufenthG" due to the reason we left Germany in 13th August 2020 and our living center now in Montreal/Canada is " nicht vorübergehenden ". After a few times back and forth explanation, Münster immigration office insisted on the decision to cancel our residence permits. I've consulted in between Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) and got their reply on 23th January 2021. The stated that according to AufenthG § 51 (1) (10), that the Blue Card residence holders including the family members who have also the Blue Card Residence permits, are entitled to stay outside of Germany/EU countries for up to 12 months, and “no temporary purpose” can be assumed, if the foreigner gives up his accommodation and job in Germany and leaves the country with his property. As I have been working for my Muenster employer, obtaining my salaries, paying my income tax, social charges, insurance as an ordinary employee since my 1st salary in February 2020. I have also been paying my rent for the flat since January 2020 up to now. Counting from 13th August 2020 up to the date of residence cancellation it's only 5 months. During the phone call the officer in the hot-line of BAMF told me, that it was very unusual that Muenster immigration office made such decision. He suggested that I get in touch with you, the superior authority, to seek your support and help to resolve the problem. That is why I'm writing to you here. As I have my next schedule visit to Munster beginning of March, I'm really expecting that you could take quick supporting actions on this matter as to return my residence. In case your need further information, kindly let me know.
Dies ist ein Antrag nach dem Gesetz über die Freiheit des Zugangs zu Informationen für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Informationsfreiheitsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen – IFG NRW), dem Umweltinformationsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen (soweit Umweltinformationen betroffen sind) und dem Verbraucherinformationsgesetz des Bundes (soweit Verbraucherinformationen betroffen sind). Ausschlussgründe liegen meines Erachtens nicht vor. Aus Gründen der Billigkeit und insbesondere auf Grund des Umstands, dass die Auskunft in gemeinnütziger Art der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden wird, bitte ich Sie, nach § 2 VerwGebO IFG NRW von der Erhebung von Gebühren abzusehen. Soweit Umweltinformationen betroffen sind, handelt es sich hierbei um eine einfache Anfrage nach §5 (2) UIG NRW. Sollte die Aktenauskunft Ihres Erachtens gebührenpflichtig sein, bitte ich Sie, mir dies vorab mitzuteilen und dabei die Höhe der Kosten anzugeben. Auslagen dürfen nicht erhoben werden, da es dafür keine gesetzliche Grundlage gibt. Ich verweise auf § 5 Abs. 2 IFG NRW, § 2 UIG NRW und bitte Sie, mir die erbetenen Informationen unverzüglich, spätestens nach Ablauf eines Monats zugänglich zu machen. Sollten Sie für diesen Antrag nicht zuständig sein, möchte ich Sie bitten, ihn an die zuständige Behörde weiterzuleiten und mich darüber zu unterrichten. Ich widerspreche ausdrücklich der Weitergabe meiner Daten an Dritte. Nach §5 Abs. 1 Satz 5 IFG NRW bitte ich Sie um eine Antwort in elektronischer Form (E-Mail). Ich möchte Sie um Empfangsbestätigung bitten und danke Ihnen für Ihre Mühe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Antragsteller/in Antragsteller/in Anfragenr: 211583 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: Postanschrift Antragsteller/in Antragsteller/in << Adresse entfernt >>
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2021-02-09 - Ihr Schreiben vom 8.2.2021 [#211583] Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in Sie haben eine Anfrage über die v…
Ministerium des Innern des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
2021-02-09 - Ihr Schreiben vom 8.2.2021 [#211583]
9. Februar 2021 11:27
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Sehr geehrteAntragsteller/in Sie haben eine Anfrage über die von jedermann einsehbare Plattform "Fragdenstaat" an uns gerichtet, mit der alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger Anfragen nach dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz zu frei verfügbaren Dokumenten und Informationen stellen können. Mit Ihrer Mail stellen Sie Ihre persönlichen Probleme dar und bitten um Hilfestellung für eine Einreise nach Deutschland. Hierzu muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass das Ministerium des Innern des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen nicht für die Bearbeitung der von Ihnen dargestellten Probleme zuständig ist. Zuständig für Ausländerangelegenheiten ist in NRW das Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKFFI) Völklinger Straße 4, 40219 Düsseldorf Postanschrift: 40190 Düsseldorf Telefon: 0211 / 837-02 Telefax: 0211 / 837-2200 E-Mail: <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> Internet: Nach dort habe ich auch bereits Ihre weitere Anfrage vom 8. Februar 2021 weitergeleitet. Ich rate Ihnen, sich nochmals direkt an das MKFFI zu wenden. Weitere Informationen zu Ihnen liegen dem Ministerium des Innern des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen nicht vor. Mit freundlichen Grüßen