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Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub

- das Konzept für das angekündigte Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub
- Risikoanalysen oder Berichte zum Nexus Klimawandel-Sicherheit
- Übersicht der über Copernicus Security Services bereitgestellte Produkte zum Nexus Klimawandel-Sicherheit

Anfrage teilweise erfolgreich

  • Datum
    29. Juli 2023
  • Frist
    18. August 2023
  • 0 Follower:innen
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Guten Tag, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/…
An Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union Details
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub [#285010]
29. Juli 2023 10:04
Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Guten Tag, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 bitte ich Sie um Übersendung von Dokumenten, die folgende Informationen enthalten:
- das Konzept für das angekündigte Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub - Risikoanalysen oder Berichte zum Nexus Klimawandel-Sicherheit - Übersicht der über Copernicus Security Services bereitgestellte Produkte zum Nexus Klimawandel-Sicherheit
Ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass ich eine Antwort per E-Mail an diese Adresse und nicht über ein Webportal wünsche. Ich möchte Sie um eine Empfangsbestätigung bitten und danke Ihnen für Ihre Mühe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> Anfragenr: 285010 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: https://fragdenstaat.de/a/285010/ Postanschrift << Antragsteller:in >> << Antragsteller:in >> << Adresse entfernt >>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Anfragesteller:in >>

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Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union
Dear << Antragsteller:in >>, Thank you for contacting the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen). Pl…
Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union
RE: Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub [#285010]
18. August 2023 10:15
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Dear << Antragsteller:in >>, Thank you for contacting the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen). Please find below the answers to your queries: 1. The concept for the announced Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub The Climate and Environment Security Data and Analysis Hub will build on existing experience and initiatives and offer a resource for climate-related security risk assessments. It will provide a single entry point to services of different entities. Starting from a federated model taking advantage of existing services while gradually moving towards a more advanced integrated service, it will address four key aspects: *Risk Assessment and Early Warning: a central repository for climate-related security risk assessments and early warning systems, enabling to anticipate and prepare for potential security threats. *Data Analytics, Modelling and Foresight capabilities: geospatial analysis, operational quality assured climate services provisions at global and regional level based on climate reanalysis, predictions and projections, advanced data analytics and modelling tools, providing with a better understanding of the complex interactions between acute and chronic climate risks linked to climate variability and change and security, including modeling for medium and long-term foresight capabilities. *Policy Development and Implementation: support to development of integrated policy solutions to climate and security challenges, as well as to their implementation through knowledge sharing, capacity building, and technical assistance. *Networking and Outreach: networking and outreach environment, bringing together experts from various fields to share knowledge and collaborate on new approaches to climate, security and defence challenges. 2. Risk analysis or reports on the climate change security nexus You may find relevant reports on the climate change security nexus in the links provided below as well as in the document attached: 1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/exploring-climate-security-nexus-spaceborne-data-satcen%3FtrackingId=%252BvKi9hzS2aR%252FOIRrr4GgXA%253D%253D/?trackingId=%2BvKi9hzS2aR%2FOIRrr4GgXA%3D%3D 2. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/digital-twin-earth-security-from-data-information-satcen%3FtrackingId=p6%252BKIM4MF%252BLOqcAgayXZzQ%253D%253D/?trackingId=p6%2BKIM4MF%2BLOqcAgayXZzQ%3D%3D 3. Overview of Climate Change Security Nexus products provided through Copernicus Security Services In the frame of the CENTAUR project we have performed an in-depth CSS-SEA operations gap analysis including a review of the current CSS-SEA service portfolio and past production, identifying areas of improvement of the service in the climate security domain. The report is public and hosted on the project's website (please find it also attached): https://centaur-horizon.eu/deliverables/ Thank you once again for getting in touch. Best regards, The SatCen team