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Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment

1. all job openings for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment in REA including those mentioned by a European Commission team coordinator on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/giuliamarzetti_career-eu-activity-7000749778166804480-O6gl .

2. the privacy notice for the applicable recruitment process

3. all internal communication that relates to how this job opening was brought to the attention of possible candidates including recommendations and instructions to staff members concerning the distribution

4. all LinkedIn posts relating to the job opening that factually can be attributed to the EU staff members in their professional capacity

5. documents and internal communication that give evidence to how the CAST database was used to fill the vacancy or why it was not used

6. the applicable social media policy applicable to the distribution of REA job openings on LinkedIn when EC staff posts in a working capacity.

Upon two questions on LinkedIn to provide the URL and the following invitation to use Google, the following applicant journey emerges (my selftest):
a) search on Duckduckgo for "european commission REA Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment" brings up https://rea.ec.europa.eu/working-rea/jobs-rea_en . I check EPSO, search for ERA and find a basically empty page (as of 28/11/2022) https://epso.europa.eu/en/institutions/rea-european-research-executive-agency . The page https://myintracomm.ec.europa.eu/job-market/contract-agents-3a/Pages/index.aspx cannot be opened.
b) search on Google for "european commission REA Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment" brings up https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/open-for-application . I search for energy and climate and find no matching offer on this page.
c) on the same Google result page, I find also https://www.egu.eu/jobs/4673/policy-officer-within-the-climate-and-planetary-boundaries-unit-of-the-european-commission/

The job opening in (c) refers to a position in DG Research and Innovation and I will send a separate access to documents request for fit.

Anfrage erfolgreich

  • Datum
    28. November 2022
  • Frist
    19. Dezember 2022
  • 0 Follower:innen
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Request for documents under EU regulations 1049/2001 To whom it may concern: I hereby request request access to …
An Exekutivagentur für die Forschung Details
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285]
28. November 2022 23:53
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Request for documents under EU regulations 1049/2001 To whom it may concern: I hereby request request access to documents concerning the following information:
1. all job openings for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment in REA including those mentioned by a European Commission team coordinator on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/giuliamarzetti_career-eu-activity-7000749778166804480-O6gl . 2. the privacy notice for the applicable recruitment process 3. all internal communication that relates to how this job opening was brought to the attention of possible candidates including recommendations and instructions to staff members concerning the distribution 4. all LinkedIn posts relating to the job opening that factually can be attributed to the EU staff members in their professional capacity 5. documents and internal communication that give evidence to how the CAST database was used to fill the vacancy or why it was not used 6. the applicable social media policy applicable to the distribution of REA job openings on LinkedIn when EC staff posts in a working capacity. Upon two questions on LinkedIn to provide the URL and the following invitation to use Google, the following applicant journey emerges (my selftest): a) search on Duckduckgo for "european commission REA Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment" brings up https://rea.ec.europa.eu/working-rea/jobs-rea_en . I check EPSO, search for ERA and find a basically empty page (as of 28/11/2022) https://epso.europa.eu/en/institutions/rea-european-research-executive-agency . The page https://myintracomm.ec.europa.eu/job-market/contract-agents-3a/Pages/index.aspx cannot be opened. b) search on Google for "european commission REA Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment" brings up https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/open-for-application . I search for energy and climate and find no matching offer on this page. c) on the same Google result page, I find also https://www.egu.eu/jobs/4673/policy-officer-within-the-climate-and-planetary-boundaries-unit-of-the-european-commission/ The job opening in (c) refers to a position in DG Research and Innovation and I will send a separate access to documents request for fit.
I strongly prefer a reply by email to this address and not via a web portal. I would appreciate an acknowledgment of receipt and would like to thank you in advance. Kind regards << Name removed >> << Name removed >> Request Number: 264285 Reply To: <<email address>> Upload large files for this request here: https://fragdenstaat.de/en/request/264285/upload/4c968df01e0d254dd6ee0f85d76a63bbbbb6ba6a/ Post Address: << Name removed >> << Name removed >> << Address removed >> << Address removed >> << Address removed >>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Anfragesteller:in >>
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Clarifications and AoR: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Ene…
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Clarifications and AoR: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285] - Ares(2022)8295710
30. November 2022 17:38
Warte auf Antwort
Clarifications and AoR: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285] - Ares(2022)8295710 ( https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documentInfo/documentInfoDetailsExt.do?documentId=080166e5f480d8a2 ) (Please use this link only if you are an Ares user – Svp, utilisez ce lien exclusivement si vous êtes un(e) utilisateur d’Ares) Dear ( )Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Thank you for your request for access to documents submitted to the European Research Executive Agency (REA) on 28 November 2022 and registered on 30 November 2022 under reference number Ares(2022)8294412, of which we acknowledge good receipt. To handle your request properly, pursuant to Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents, could you please provide some clarifications on the requested documents, as follows: <![if !supportLists]>*1.       *<![endif]>*all job openings for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment in REA including those mentioned by a European Commission team coordinator on LinkedIn at *https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/posts/giuliamarzetti_career-eu-activity-7000749778166804480-O6gl__;!!DOxrgLBm!AvejoTGDD5_5h1sy4Alcc_-ZEDXTD2mwgAyxDDcikisrr1q5oZyzw9_SBWSGQOAw0XTTWgQngcgAt5-FvXuYycx1WR4to5ME95Ugiw$ ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/posts/giuliamarzetti_career-eu-activity-7000749778166804480-O6gl__;!!DOxrgLBm!AvejoTGDD5_5h1sy4Alcc_-ZEDXTD2mwgAyxDDcikisrr1q5oZyzw9_SBWSGQOAw0XTTWgQngcgAt5-FvXuYycx1WR4to5ME95Ugiw$ )*  .* With reference to your point 1 above, could you please provide us with more detailed information on REA’s documents which you seek to obtain, and in particular, dates, periods or a specific context? * * <![if !supportLists]>*2.       *<![endif]>*the privacy notice for the applicable recruitment process* With reference to your point 2 above, could you please clarify which is the *applicable recruitment process* in REA you refer to? ** * * *3. all internal communication that relates to how this job opening was brought to the attention of possible candidates including recommendations and instructions to staff members concerning the distribution* With reference to your point 3 above, which is REA’s job opening you are referring to and in particular, dates, periods or a specific context for the requested internal communication? * * *[...]* *5. documents and internal communication that give evidence to how the CAST database was used to fill the vacancy or why it was not used* With reference to your point 5 above, could you please clarify, if possible, which type of REA’s documents/internal communications relating to which specific vacancy you seek to obtain, and in particular, dates, periods or a specific context?** * * Kindly note that, the time limit of 15 days to receive your reply will start running when we receive the requested clarifications. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Yours faithfully, REA ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS *For information related to the processing of your personal data by REA, you may consult the relevant *Data Protection Notice ( https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/rea_dpn_dept_atd.pdf )**
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Dear Sir or Madam, please let me address the points you raise: 1) I rely here fully on the information provided …
An Exekutivagentur für die Forschung Details
<< Anfragesteller:in >>
Re: Clarifications and AoR: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285] - Ares(2022)8295710 [#264285]
30. November 2022 18:13
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Dear Sir or Madam, please let me address the points you raise: 1) I rely here fully on the information provided by the Commission staff member on LinkedIn. If that Commission staff member is indeed a staff member of the Commission, I would expect that you also also seek her support in the fulfilment of this access to document request. If eventually, you find out that the alleged vacancy notices never existed, please let me know as well. Dates/periods: all vacancy notices that were open on any day of November and December. Scope: vacancy notices of REA vacancies in the category Cast/Contrat Agent to which also people not yet directly employed by the Commission are eligible; 2) I assume REA has at least once procedure in place to recruit CAST/Contract Agents. Those procedures involve the processing of personal data, so that in line with Regulation 2018/1725, a data protection notice should be published on your website and also made available to all candidates at the time of the collection of their personal data. If REA also relies on LinkedIn, please include also the notices that details the use of LinkedIn for recruitment. 3) I refer to those vacancy notices in (1), in particular those mentioned on LinkedIn. 5) I refer to those vacancy notices in (1), in particular those mentioned on LinkedIn. Please provide emails and chat messages from HR and recruiting HoUs that relate to the distribution of the vacancy notices and that relate to invitations to apply. For example, HoU asks staff to distribute widely or within their network a vacancy notice or invites individuals to also apply. Sincerely yours << Name removed >> << Name removed >> Request Number: 264285 Reply To: <<email address>> Upload large files for this request here: https://fragdenstaat.de/en/request/264285/upload/4c968df01e0d254dd6ee0f85d76a63bbbbb6ba6a/
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Initial request: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Cl…
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Initial request: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285] - Ares(2022)8316363
1. Dezember 2022 10:58
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Initial request: Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment [#264285] - Ares(2022)8316363 ( https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documentInfo/documentInfoDetailsExt.do?documentId=080166e5f48934a9 ) (Please use this link only if you are an Ares user – Svp, utilisez ce lien exclusivement si vous êtes un(e) utilisateur d’Ares) Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, many thanks for these clarifications, registered under Reference Ares(2022)8316179 on 01/12/2022. In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 22/12/2022. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course. Yours faithfully, REA ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS *For information related to the processing of your personal data by REA, you may consult the relevant *Data Protection Notice ( https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/rea_dpn_dept_atd.pdf )**

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Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please find attached REA's reply to your request for access to d…
Exekutivagentur für die Forschung
Reply to initial application-Request for access to HR documents: Distribution of Job Opening for policy officers in Energy, Climate, Environment - Ares(2022)8939434
22. Dezember 2022 15:29
Dear Mr << Antragsteller:in >>, Please find attached REA's reply to your request for access to documents registered under Ares reference: Ares (2022)8939434. Kind regards,