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Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale

alle Dokumente und elektronische Kommunikation von Mitgliedern des EZB-Rates bzw. des EZB-Direktoriums aus den Jahren 2022 und 2023, die sich mit dem Einfluss der Unternehmensgewinne auf die Inflationsraten befasst

Anfrage teilweise erfolgreich

  • Datum
    24. April 2023
  • Frist
    28. Juli 2023
  • 3 Follower:innen
Fabio De Masi
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Guten Tag, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/…
An Europäische Zentralbank Details
Fabio De Masi
Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
24. April 2023 14:12
Europäische Zentralbank
Warte auf Antwort — E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Antrag nach EU-Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 Guten Tag, auf Basis der Verordnungen 1049/2001 sowie 1367/2006 bitte ich Sie um Übersendung von Dokumenten, die folgende Informationen enthalten:
alle Dokumente und elektronische Kommunikation von Mitgliedern des EZB-Rates bzw. des EZB-Direktoriums aus den Jahren 2022 und 2023, die sich mit dem Einfluss der Unternehmensgewinne auf die Inflationsraten befasst
Ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass ich eine Antwort per E-Mail an diese Adresse und nicht über ein Webportal wünsche. Ich möchte Sie um eine Empfangsbestätigung bitten und danke Ihnen für Ihre Mühe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fabio De Masi Anfragenr: 277111 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: https://fragdenstaat.de/a/277111/ Postanschrift Fabio De Masi << Adresse entfernt >>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fabio De Masi
Europäische Zentralbank
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail vom 24. April 2023, mit der Sie den Zugang zu EZB Dokume…
Europäische Zentralbank
EZB Empfangsbestätigung - Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale
26. April 2023 17:02
Warte auf Antwort
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail vom 24. April 2023, mit der Sie den Zugang zu EZB Dokumenten beantragen. Wir bestätigen hiermit den Erhalt der nachstehenden E-Mail, sowie Ihrer E-Mail vom 22. April 2023. In Anbetracht der parallelen Einreichung und des Umfangs der beiden Anträge und gemäß Artikel 6 Abs. 3 des Beschlusses EZB/2004/3 der Europäischen Zentralbank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> beabsichtigen wir diese Anträge nacheinander zu bearbeiten. Zu diesem Zweck möchten wir Sie bitten, uns Ihre Präferenz für die Reihenfolge der Bearbeitung anzugeben. Sobald Sie uns dies mitteilen, werden wir die Bearbeitung der Anträge durch die Stabsstelle Compliance und Governance der Europäischen Zentralbank einleiten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Fabio De Masi
Guten Tag, besten Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Meine Präferenz wäre zunächst die Anfrage zum Komplex Benko/Signa Gru…
An Europäische Zentralbank Details
Fabio De Masi
AW: EZB Empfangsbestätigung - Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
26. April 2023 17:09
Europäische Zentralbank
E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Guten Tag, besten Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Meine Präferenz wäre zunächst die Anfrage zum Komplex Benko/Signa Gruppe und sodann zum Einfluss der Unternehmensgewinne zu bearbeiten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fabio De Masi Anfragenr: 277111 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: https://fragdenstaat.de/a/277111/ Postanschrift Fabio De Masi << Adresse entfernt >>
Europäische Zentralbank
Antwort der EZB - Signa Gruppe um R. Benko [#276958] Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, im Anhang finden Sie bitte die…
Europäische Zentralbank
Antwort der EZB - Signa Gruppe um R. Benko [#276958]
24. Mai 2023 13:43
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21,5 KB
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, im Anhang finden Sie bitte die Antwort der EZB bezüglich Ihres Antrags zu dem oben genannten Betreff. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Europäische Zentralbank
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, wir dürfen Sie darüber informieren, dass wir mit dem heutigen Tage die Bearbeitung Ih…
Europäische Zentralbank
Zur Information - Ihr Antrag: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
24. Mai 2023 14:03
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Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, wir dürfen Sie darüber informieren, dass wir mit dem heutigen Tage die Bearbeitung Ihres Antrages in hiesiger Sache einleiten. In Bezug auf die einzuhaltende Bearbeitungsfrist dürfen wir auf Art. 7(1) des Beschlusses EZB/2004/3 der Europäischen Zentralbank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> verweisen, der eine Frist von 20 Arbeitstagen vorsieht. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Europäische Zentralbank
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, wir nehmen Bezug auf Ihre Anfrage vom 24 April 2023 auf Zugang zu Dokumenten der Europ…
Europäische Zentralbank
Verlängerung der Frist: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
23. Juni 2023 12:50
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Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, wir nehmen Bezug auf Ihre Anfrage vom 24 April 2023 auf Zugang zu Dokumenten der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) und unsere anschließende Email-Korrespondenz, zuletzt am 24. Mai 2023. Aufgrund einer erhöhten Arbeitsbelastung infolge zahlreicher zur gleichen Zeit eingehender Anträge ist die interne Prüfung der Dokumente leider noch nicht abgeschlossen. Leider müssen wir Ihnen daher mitteilen, dass die EZB Ihren Antrag noch nicht abschließend prüfen konnte. Im Einklang mit Artikel 7 Absatz 3 des Beschlusses EZB/2004/3 der Europäischen Zentralbank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> hat die EZB die Frist für die Beantwortung Ihres Antrags um 20 Arbeitstage verlängert. Wir bitten Sie etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen durch diese Verzögerung entstehen könnten, zu entschuldigen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Europäische Zentralbank
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, hiermit möchten wir Sie informieren, dass die Prüfung Ihrer Anfrage länger dauert als …
Europäische Zentralbank
RE: Verlängerung der Frist: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
20. Juli 2023 17:34
Warte auf Antwort
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, hiermit möchten wir Sie informieren, dass die Prüfung Ihrer Anfrage länger dauert als angenommen und Sie aus diesem Grunde unsere Antwort erst nach dem 21 Juli 2023 erhalten werden. Seien Sie bitte jedoch versichert, dass wir Ihre Anfrage priorisiert bearbeiten, um die Verzögerung so kurz wie möglich zu halten. Wir entschuldigen uns für diese Verzögerung und werden versuchen, Ihnen unsere Antwort schnellstmöglich zukommen zu lassen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Fabio De Masi
Guten Tag, meine Informationsfreiheitsanfrage „Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale“ vom 24.04.2023 (#277111) wu…
An Europäische Zentralbank Details
Fabio De Masi
AW: RE: Verlängerung der Frist: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
29. Juli 2023 02:21
Europäische Zentralbank
E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Guten Tag, meine Informationsfreiheitsanfrage „Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale“ vom 24.04.2023 (#277111) wurde von Ihnen nicht in der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Zeit beantwortet. Die Anfrage wurde vor mehr als drei Monaten gestellt. Ich habe die wiederholten Fristverschiebungen stets klaglos akzeptiert. Sie teilten mir vor einer Woche mit, dass die Anfrage nunmehr priorisiert bearbeitet würde. Seither habe ich keine weitere Nachricht erhalten. Bitte informieren Sie mich umgehend über eine verbindliche Frist, die Sie garantiert einhalten werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen << Adresse entfernt >>
Europäische Zentralbank
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachfrage vom 29. Juli hinsichtlich der Bearbeitung Ihres Antrag…
Europäische Zentralbank
RE: AW: RE: Verlängerung der Frist: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
31. Juli 2023 17:50
Warte auf Antwort
Sehr geehrter Herr De Masi, Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachfrage vom 29. Juli hinsichtlich der Bearbeitung Ihres Antrags. Insoweit können wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass Sie in den nächsten Tagen mit einer Antwort rechnen können. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Europäische Zentralbank
Dear Mr De Masi, On 24 April 2023, the European Central Bank (ECB) received your application for public access to[…
Europäische Zentralbank
ECB Reply/ Antwort der EZB: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
4. August 2023 12:12
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Dear Mr De Masi, On 24 April 2023, the European Central Bank (ECB) received your application for public access to[1]: - all documents and electronic communications by the members of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank/the Executive Board of the ECB from 2022 and 2023 which pertain to the effect of corporate profits on inflation rates. In light of a second request you had filed at the same time, you agreed to a sequential processing of the requests, accordingly this one would be processed second. In line with this agreement, the ECB informed you on 24 May 2023, that it would start processing this request. On 26 June 2023, the ECB extended the time limit for its reply by an additional 20 working days in accordance with Article 7(3) of Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> of the European Central Bank due to an exceptionally high workload. 1. The ECB’s transparency in monetary policy As a preliminary remark we would like to emphasise, that, from its establishment, the ECB demonstrated its commitment to transparency and aimed at providing the general public, its stakeholders and the financial market participants with all relevant information on its strategy, assessments and policy decisions as well as its procedures in an open, clear and timely manner. For this purpose, it evaluates regularly whether further information can be published, without jeopardising the effective achievement of its mandate. Several channels are used to provide the public with elaborate information on monetary policy decisions and operations. One of the major transparency steps introduced as of 2015 is the publication of the ‘monetary policy accounts<https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/accounts/html/index.en.html>’. Through the publication of the monetary policy accounts, the ECB’s Governing Council aspires to be as transparent as possible, explaining to the public the reasoning and exchange of arguments that lead to the adoption of its monetary policy decisions, whilst observing the protection afforded to its proceedings under Article 10.4 of the Protocol (No 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (“Statute”) and under Article 23.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the ECB[2]<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/european-central-bank-rules-of-procedure.html>. In the same vein, the ECB also publishes in real time the Monetary Policy Statement, which is explained during a press conference that immediately follows the ECB’s monetary policy meetings, including a transcript of the Question and Answer session. In addition, the economic and monetary information which forms the basis for those Governing Council monetary policy decisions, is also released to the public by the ECB two weeks after each Governing Council monetary policy meeting in the Economic Bulletin. Furthermore, speeches and interviews given by members of the Executive Board, transcripts of the hearings of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, attended by President Lagarde and the letters from President Lagarde responding to questions from the Members of the European Parliament, and the feedback statements on the input provided by the European Parliament as part of its Resolutions on the ECB’s Annual Report are made publicly available through our website. These documents also include - as the case may be - pertinent information on the effect of corporate profits on inflation rates. 2. Documents and communications by members of the Governing Council and the Executive Board pertaining to the effect of corporate profits on inflation rates As regards the topic of your request, we refer in particular to the monetary policy accounts of the meetings of June 2022, March 2023 and June 2023 and the latest Eurosystem staff projections for the euro area, of June 2023[3]. In addition, we refer in particular to the latest issue of the Economic Bulletin which contains several boxes and articles dealing specifically with the topic of your request, such as the box on how unit profits contributed to the recent strengthening of euro area domestic price pressures[4], or the one on new evidence on corporate profits, investment and financing conditions based on firms’ earning calls[5], or of selling price expectations of firms based on the SAFE survey to firms[6]. The first box analyses the impact that profits have had on domestic inflation on the basis of some measures, including unit profits derived from the national accounts and profit indicators derived from institutional sector accounts, which are closer to business profits, and how the current signals from unit profits compare with the signals from mark-ups and profit margin indicators derived from corporate accounts. The second box analyses firm’s sentiments regarding their profits, investment and financing conditions over the 12 months as of March‑April 2023 (when the survey was conducted), with firms in sectors most affected by the reopening of the economy after the pandemic showing more buoyant sentiments. The third box reports firms’ intentions regarding price increases over the next 12 months, with firms in retail sectors and firms with no previous large price increases showing more willingness to increase them. Finally, we kindly invite you to consult the speeches and interviews by the members of the Executive Board some of which are particularly relevant to your request, such as the lecture by Philip Lane at Trinity College on 6 March 2023 and his interview with Die Zeit, published on 29 March 2023[7], or the two speeches of Isabel Schnabel delivered at the IV Edition Foro La Toja and at a conference organised by the Österreichische Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management[8]. The two speeches by Isabel Schnabel, delivered in 2022, stress the cost channel of price increases at a time when bottlenecks in the global supply chains and increases in energy prices greatly increased the costs of manufacturing firms all over the world, which allowed euro area firms to increase their prices with more ease than in previous periods. The two speeches by Philip Lane, delivered in 2023, stress instead the surge in demand for some sectors after the post-pandemic reopening of the economy, which led to supply shortages for the services and goods affected and an increase in price pressures. The second of these two speeches makes the additional point that profit margins are expected to be compressed over the next few years and help mitigate the expected increase in labour costs and hence dampen down inflation, in line with the narrative in the June 2023 Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections referred to earlier. Any other specific communications from members of the Governing Council or Executive Board during the Governing Council meetings, going beyond what has been made publicly available, are reflected in the proceedings of those meetings and cannot be disclosed as the ECB is precluded from doing so by Article 10.4 of the Statute and under Article 23.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the ECB<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/european-central-bank-rules-of-procedure.html>. We recall that the confidentiality imposed by these provisions is absolute, as a result of which the Governing Council cannot make its proceedings public. This protection has several objectives: (i) to protect the independence of the ECB and, in particular, the personal independence of the members of the Governing Council; (ii) to give space for open, frank and lively discussions, deliberations among the members of the Governing Council and subsequent decision-making; (iii) to reinforce the nature of the Governing Council as a collegiate decision-making body composed of experts with joint responsibility; and (iv) to reinforce the concept of the singleness of monetary policy. Any disclosure going beyond what is currently proactively published by the ECB in this regard, would risk having an impact on the expectations, behaviours and decisions of market participants as the documents relate to issues that currently are still highly monetary policy relevant. As regards all remaining elements and information there is a need for the ECB to protect its functional independence in assessing macro-economic conditions and deciding on the monetary policy stance, which it considers best suited to achieve its mandate. Nonetheless, the economic bulletin and the monetary policy accounts effectively and comprehensively reflect the financial, economic and monetary briefings that are at the basis of the Governing Council’s policy decisions, as well as the reasoning and exchange of views that took place on the basis of those briefings to the greatest extent possible. We trust that you will find this information useful and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and patience in this matter. Please note that a German translation for information purposes is being prepared and will be sent to you in due course. 1 Please note that your request is governed by Decision ECB/2004/3. Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 does not apply to the ECB. Additionally, regarding Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006, we were unable to identify an environmental aspect that would warrant the application of this Regulation to your request. 2 Decision ECB/2004/2 of 19 February 2004 adopting the Rules of Procedure of the European Central Bank (OJ L 80, 18.3.2004, p. 33), as last amended by Decision ECB/2016/27 (OJ L 258, 24.9.2016, p. 17). 3 Account of the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of 8 – 9 June 2023, https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/accounts/2022/html/ecb.mg220707~d5c3246061.en.html, Account of the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of 15 – 16 March 2023, https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/accounts/2023/html/ecb.mg230420~e8043d2d3d.en.html, Account of the monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of 14 – 15 June 2023, https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/accounts/2023/html/ecb.mg230713~f7e54fdb87.en.html and Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections, https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/projections/html/ecb.projections202306_eurosystemstaff~6625228e9f.en.html. 4 “How have unit profits contributed to the recent strengthening of euro area domestic price pressures?”, prepared by Elke Hahn, published as part of the ECB Economic Bulletin, Issue 4/2023. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/economic-bulletin/focus/2023/html/ecb.ebbox202304_03~705befadac.en.html 5 “Earnings calls: new evidence on corporate profits, investment and financing conditions”, Prepared by Malin Andersson, Pedro Neves and Carolina Nunes, Published as part of the ECB Economic Bulletin, Issue 4/2023 https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/economic-bulletin/focus/2023/html/ecb.ebbox202304_02~40e3556f39.en.html 6 “Selling price expectations of firms ‒ evidence from the SAFE”, prepared by Annalisa Ferrando, Asger Munch Gronlund and Erzsebet Judit Rariga, published as part of the ECB Economic Bulletin, Issue 4/2023. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/economic-bulletin/focus/2023/html/ecb.ebbox202304_05~088a7a23f8.en.html 7 Lecture by Philip Lane on Underlying inflation at Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, 6 March 2023), https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2023/html/ecb.sp230306~57f17143da.en.html or interview of Philip Lane with Die Zeit - 29 March 2023, conducted on 22 March by Kolja Rudzio https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/inter/date/2023/html/ecb.in230329~b8fe0aae15.en.html. 8 Speech by Isabel Schnabel at a panel on the “Fight against inflation” at the IV Edition Foro La Toja, or the speech on the globalisation of inflation by Isabel Schnabel, at a conference organised by the Österreichische Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management (Vienna, 11 May 2022); https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2022/html/ecb.sp220930~9dac17b1fe.en.html and https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2022/html/ecb.sp220511_1~e9ba02e127.en.html. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Fabio De Masi
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for your response to my request. However, I did not ask the ECB to conduct a…
An Europäische Zentralbank Details
Fabio De Masi
AW: ECB Reply/ Antwort der EZB: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
4. August 2023 13:48
Europäische Zentralbank
E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for your response to my request. However, I did not ask the ECB to conduct a search on Google or the ECB webpage for publicly available results. I can do that myself. I explicitly asked for any internal communication on the subject matter. I would like hence to clarify whether ECB is sure that no electronic communication by members of the ECB governing council or the directorate with regards to the impact of profits on inflation exists? I therefore formally object to your decision. Kind regards, << Adresse entfernt >> Anfragenr: 277111 Antwort an: <<E-Mail-Adresse>> Laden Sie große Dateien zu dieser Anfrage hier hoch: https://fragdenstaat.de/a/277111/ Postanschrift << Adresse entfernt >> Fabio De Masi << Adresse entfernt >> << Adresse entfernt >>
Europäische Zentralbank
Dear Mr De Masi, Thank you very much for your email of 4 August by which you reply to our email of the same day pe…
Europäische Zentralbank
ECB Acknowledgment of receipt: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
10. August 2023 16:54
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Dear Mr De Masi, Thank you very much for your email of 4 August by which you reply to our email of the same day pertaining to information with regard to the impact of corporate profits on inflation. We very much regret that you do not find our reply helpful as we made an extra effort to provide you with a rich set of information and documentation on the subject matter of your interest. In light of your email of 4 August 2023 we will now exclusively focus on “electronic communication by [and documentation for] members of the ECB governing council or the directorate with regards to the impact of profits on inflation” and revert to you in in accordance with Article 7(1) of Decision ECB/2004/3 of the European Central Bank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329>. Since your current request reached us in the English language, we will continue the correspondence with you regarding this request in English. Then, with reference to the ECB reply sent to you on 4 August 2023 and as announced in the same email, we are attaching a courtesy translation in German of the respective ECB reply dated 4 August 2023 for your information. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> Privacy notice: By submitting a request for access to documents, the ECB collects information about you for the sole purpose of processing your request in accordance with Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32004D0003%2801%29>. All personal data are processed in accordance with EU Data Protection Law (Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32018R1725>). The ECB is the controller for the processing of the personal data. The recipients of the data will be the ECB’s Compliance and Governance Office and, only when necessary, other institutions within the European System of Central Banks, the Single Supervisory Mechanism, or EU institutions. You have the right to restrict processing and to access, rectify and under certain conditions to request deletion of your stored personal data. You can exercise your rights by contacting the ECB's Compliance and Governance Office (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>) or the ECB’s Data Protection Officer (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>). Furthermore, you have the right to address the European Data Protection Supervisor (www.edps.europa.eu<http://www.edps.europa.eu>) any time regarding this processing of your personal data.
Europäische Zentralbank
Dear Mr De Masi, We refer to your email of 4 August 2023. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that, due to the …
Europäische Zentralbank
Extension of deadline: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
1. September 2023 12:01
Anfrage abgeschlossen
Dear Mr De Masi, We refer to your email of 4 August 2023. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that, due to the increased workload by several simultaneous requests, we have not yet been able to conclude our assessment. Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to finalise the ECB’s reply as soon as possible, and in any event within the extended deadline provided in Article 7(3) of Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> of the European Central Bank. We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> From: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 10 August 2023 16:55 To: << Adresse entfernt >> [#277111 <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Cc: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: ECB Acknowledgment of receipt: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111] Dear Mr De Masi, Thank you very much for your email of 4 August by which you reply to our email of the same day pertaining to information with regard to the impact of corporate profits on inflation. We very much regret that you do not find our reply helpful as we made an extra effort to provide you with a rich set of information and documentation on the subject matter of your interest. In light of your email of 4 August 2023 we will now exclusively focus on “electronic communication by [and documentation for] members of the ECB governing council or the directorate with regards to the impact of profits on inflation” and revert to you in in accordance with Article 7(1) of Decision ECB/2004/3 of the European Central Bank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329>. Since your current request reached us in the English language, we will continue the correspondence with you regarding this request in English. Then, with reference to the ECB reply sent to you on 4 August 2023 and as announced in the same email, we are attaching a courtesy translation in German of the respective ECB reply dated 4 August 2023 for your information. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> Privacy notice: By submitting a request for access to documents, the ECB collects information about you for the sole purpose of processing your request in accordance with Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32004D0003%2801%29>. All personal data are processed in accordance with EU Data Protection Law (Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32018R1725>). The ECB is the controller for the processing of the personal data. The recipients of the data will be the ECB’s Compliance and Governance Office and, only when necessary, other institutions within the European System of Central Banks, the Single Supervisory Mechanism, or EU institutions. You have the right to restrict processing and to access, rectify and under certain conditions to request deletion of your stored personal data. You can exercise your rights by contacting the ECB's Compliance and Governance Office (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>) or the ECB’s Data Protection Officer (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>). Furthermore, you have the right to address the European Data Protection Supervisor (www.edps.europa.eu<http://www.edps.europa.eu>) any time regarding this processing of your personal data.

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Europäische Zentralbank
Dear Mr De Masi, Please find attached the reply of the European Central Bank (ECB) to your request of 4 August 202…
Europäische Zentralbank
ECB reply: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111]
29. September 2023 18:16
Dear Mr De Masi, Please find attached the reply of the European Central Bank (ECB) to your request of 4 August 2023 for access to ECB documents. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> From: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 12:01 To: <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> Cc: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: Extension of deadline: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111] Dear Mr De Masi, We refer to your email of 4 August 2023. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that, due to the increased workload by several simultaneous requests, we have not yet been able to conclude our assessment. Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to finalise the ECB’s reply as soon as possible, and in any event within the extended deadline provided in Article 7(3) of Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329> of the European Central Bank. We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> From: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Sent: 10 August 2023 16:55 To: << Adresse entfernt >> [#277111 <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Cc: Access to documents <<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>> Subject: ECB Acknowledgment of receipt: Kommunikation zu Profit-Preis-Spirale [#277111] Dear Mr De Masi, Thank you very much for your email of 4 August by which you reply to our email of the same day pertaining to information with regard to the impact of corporate profits on inflation. We very much regret that you do not find our reply helpful as we made an extra effort to provide you with a rich set of information and documentation on the subject matter of your interest. In light of your email of 4 August 2023 we will now exclusively focus on “electronic communication by [and documentation for] members of the ECB governing council or the directorate with regards to the impact of profits on inflation” and revert to you in in accordance with Article 7(1) of Decision ECB/2004/3 of the European Central Bank<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:02004D0003(01)-20150329>. Since your current request reached us in the English language, we will continue the correspondence with you regarding this request in English. Then, with reference to the ECB reply sent to you on 4 August 2023 and as announced in the same email, we are attaching a courtesy translation in German of the respective ECB reply dated 4 August 2023 for your information. Kind regards, Compliance and Governance Office DG Secretariat European Central Bank Sonnemannstrasse 20 60314 Frankfurt am Main <<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>> Privacy notice: By submitting a request for access to documents, the ECB collects information about you for the sole purpose of processing your request in accordance with Decision ECB/2004/3<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32004D0003%2801%29>. All personal data are processed in accordance with EU Data Protection Law (Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council<https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32018R1725>). The ECB is the controller for the processing of the personal data. The recipients of the data will be the ECB’s Compliance and Governance Office and, only when necessary, other institutions within the European System of Central Banks, the Single Supervisory Mechanism, or EU institutions. You have the right to restrict processing and to access, rectify and under certain conditions to request deletion of your stored personal data. You can exercise your rights by contacting the ECB's Compliance and Governance Office (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>) or the ECB’s Data Protection Officer (<<E-Mail-Adresse>><mailto:<<E-Mail-Adresse>>>). Furthermore, you have the right to address the European Data Protection Supervisor (www.edps.europa.eu<http://www.edps.europa.eu>) any time regarding this processing of your personal data.